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Week 5


Threads for Week 6




(Messages #1075-#1166)


Visit our Delicious for all the links mentioned during Week Four.




Welcome to Week 6 - The journey is just beginning!



Dear all,

We're thrilled to look back and see how much interaction, connection, reflection and sharing has been taking place for the past 5 weeks. We're getting to the peak, but the journey goes on. We've had a panoramic view of the blogging possibilities in the classroom, but now it's the time to zoom in your own classes.

Take your time to reflect about the possibilities for your own context.

Check our main task of the week

The tag for this week so that you can visualize all the blog posts in Tecnorati is *edublogproject*

It's really important that you take this moment to write about your blogging project. It will give you the perspective, it will be your guide for your blogging goals.

We'll be around for you. Skype us if you have any questions along the way.

Our Pageflakes is full of interesting resources for you.

Remember, you can always get back to work on the concepts of previous weeks. They are all there to be explored.

Warm regards from Sunny Key West,

-- Carla Arena On behalf of The Blogging Team

Keep tagging: blogging4educators and edublogproject


Evaluations Survey


# 1076

Dear all,

We know you're all busy bee educators, but, *PLEASE*, could you take some time this week to fill out our session evaluation survey?

It's our way to get more feedback from your learning experience and keep improving what we've been doing. From what you say, we can work on our strengths and weaknesses to better multiply the blogging idea among educators. 


There's another very important survey which was prepared by the Electronic Village Coordinating Team and it gives a more general view of our session. 

Your feedback is ESSENTIAL!


-- Carla Arena On behalf of The Blogging Team 


# 1077 

Dear all,

I promise this is my last email of the day! Just trying to catch up with so much going on in our amazing group of bloggers!

People are little by little starting to join our voicethread on edublogpractices.

Check it out and add your idea.

Imagine having more than a 100 with your creative contribution?

Remember you can record your voice or just "write" there if you don't have a mic.


-- Carla Arena On behalf of The Blogging Team
tag of week 6: *edublogproject* 




A Warm Thank You Note from the Blogging Team



Dear all,

We just wanted to be there very close to you and give you a warm, big hug and thank you for having trusted us and decided to take the plunge into the world of blogging.

No. This session is not over. This group will always be an open space to share and discuss blogging matters, to look for partners, to find solutions, to question.

Dare to explore, keep paving your way through the blogosphere, blog, be fearless.

After some 6 intense weeks, now you´ll have more time to get deeper into the topics explored, revisit concepts, read others, comment.

We´re here for you! Shout and we´ll be around.

Let us make our voices echo all over the globe and take our learners along in this adventurous world of exploring and discovering.

We´re happier moderators now after having had the chance to be in touch with all of you, interact and connect.

We´ll always be connected in the blogosphere.

 Cheers and warm regards from Brasilia (Yes! After some intense work, I decided to give myself and my family a present of being close to each other in person!),



Carla Arena

On behalf of The Blogging Team



 Thankful Messages



Dear All,   


  I just want to wish you a great week and I hope we continue this exchange of perspectives, ideas and knowledge - which I call learning generosity - after the end of the EVO sessions. Thank you all for your contributions. I have learned a lot from you all.

  Í would also like to take this chance to thank all the moderators I have worked with during this experience. They have been magnificient. I have learned a great deal from them all too. A very tight hugs to you all out there... although spread all over the place we are all united in cyberspace!




Some words before the end


Dear Blogging team and participants:

Before the session comes to the end, I want to say 'thank you'. There  are no words to express my gratitude but I'll try to summarize it  this way:


*Thanks EVO team for all what you've taught me.  

*Thanks moderators for being always there to help us. Thanks for  being an inspiration to me as a team.

*Thanks for your organized materials and Web sites.

*Thanks for your dedication to give us your best.  

*Thanks paticipants for kindly sharing your knowledge, lacks, fears,  and success.

*Thanks for your kind and encouraging comments on my blog. I haven't  been able to post on all yours, but I'll try to do so during the rest  of the year.

*Thank you Kim for all your interesting and spontaneous questions, as  well as the wise moderators' answers. I think they can perfectly be  added to a FAQs space everywhere in the Web. There must be a Kim at  every EVO session!  :-)


I'm really happy and sad at the same time. This session has become  addictive. I'll miss you all. I'd wish I had had more time to  interact with you. I'm sure I'll get back to the discussions and  materials once and again, and I'll send you an email from time to  time.


Finally, I want to mention that I've been quietly following you  and 'not lurking' during the last days because I'm really busy with  my own academic work. We are finishing semester and I am overwhelmed  with exams, evaluations, closing online courses. However, I'd like to  show you how my blog goes.  http://beyondtheenglishclassroomwalls.blogspot.com/ My students  started to post and the feeling is incredible!!! Some of them even  try to write in English for the first time! I couldn't believe it. As  you might remember, at the UCV we teach ESP but only focused on  reading comprehension. Things began to change, at last!

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!

My warmest regards,

Evelyn from Caracas-Venezuela




Dear Evelyn,

We have to THANK you all, the participants of the Blogging4Educators, for taking us into this amazing learning journey. We learned tons with all of you. Have you noticed how many countries were represented here? How many different perspectives? Not one single post was like the other! And I just find this fantastic.

If it weren't for you all we wouldn't have had the chance to test, to try, to agree what we thought was best for the group. Of course, nothing is perfect, but we did with our hearts and thinking of you. We've been talking behind the scenes for months and from such interaction we'll even go beyond now! We're starting a book club with a blog. We'll read different authors from different countries and talk about their work, our insights, etc...We'll start with an Argentinian writer and move on to others. Isn't that what is really worth? The connections and strong bonds you take from these EVO sessions?

Thanks, Evelyn, for such kind words. It warms our hearts!

I just visited your blog and it proves that persistence, trying out pays off in the end! Your students comments show how excited they are with the blogging perspective. Excellent!

Warm regards from windy Key West,

-- Carla Arena The Blogging Team



apologies and a 'virtual gift' from a lurker



first this last week -- but it's looking like that may not happen -- There is much (MUCH) too applaud with regard to the

Blogging4Educators Team's efforts -- and for all of the participants this year.


Perhaps more than anything, I admire the momentum -- it rarely waned!  Perhaps because it is my weakness?  I "plunge" really well, but then struggle to tread water!  It (truly) is not from lack of interest.  It is emphatically not intentional.  But my list of "want to do's" grows and grows and grows -- as does my enthusiasm -- but my ability to manage it all dwindles...


So, my apologies for not honoring the Team in the way they deserve -- and I hope to surprise you in coming weeks and months with progress in my blogging skills and use and tagging and widgeting and twitting and flaking (Pageflakes?) and etc. --

Genuine heartfelt gratitude to you -- "virtually" expressed here: (Please view my gift, it is available for 30 days)

Click or doubleclick on the following address (URL) to see the bouquet




#1113     Re: To Holly, apologies and a 'virtual gift' from a lurker    

Your bouquet of flowers really brightened my day and made me smile, as well as your kind words to the group. There's no need for apologies. This is an open learning space that will always be there for you when your momentum comes.


We understand the busy lives of each one of you and the many projects you carry out. It is the same with us, and our commitment to such a big endeavor wouldn't be possible if we weren't working as a team.


So, no apologies, just the possibilities that the future holds for each one of us.

We're eager to be surprised by your blogging ventures!

Thanks for taking your time to give such an open-hearted feedback.

Carla Arena

The Blogging Team

A graduation gift

 # 1124  

Here is my graduation gift for you all:

I hope it gives you some idea about my city and my country.

Thank you for everything. I have enjoyed every moment here at blogging4educators and I have met so many lovely people. Of course, this isn't the end, it is the beginning. I am looking forward to Sunday.




# 1127   Wow, Natasa!


What an amazing virtal tour around Serbia, its cities, its music and its traditional food! Belgrade seems to be a fantastic city.

 What does singidunum mean?

It's been a pleasure to learn with you and get to know you through your blog!

I look forward to meeting you on Sunday, too!

Hugs from Argentina,

Carla R.

The Blogging Team <http://carlaraguseo.edublogs.org/>





Dear Natasa,

Thanks for the lovely gift! It shows that you´re already mastering the way

to enchant your online friends through the creation of online content!

 Carla Arena


Last Week comment

# 1135 


Dear Bloggers,


For six weeks I couldn't help being part of this group and getting very engaged in many of the activities and tasks taking place here. I may not have been a perfect participant, lurking more than indulging most of the time, but the learning curve that has been soaring high says a lot. The wonderful people I came to meet and befriend here made a lot of difference in how I see many things now.  

I have started a blog for a class that I'm teaching now. I'm still trying to figure out what activities suit my students better on a blog, but my students simply like the idea. The blog is only 8 days old. However, the students come to visit it on daily basis to read, comment, complete their tasks, use the resources there (although not many yet) ..., etc. A few weeks ago I couldn't think this was possible. Thanks to this workshop and all the support and inspiration the moderators and participants were able to provide I can claim now that I'm a blogging educator. I still have a lot to learn and experiment with. I'm not in a hurry. I know where I can always resort for support, guidance, and ideas. HERE! I perfectly understand that this week is just the beginning of a whole life blogging experience.


Just wanted to tell everybody around here how grateful I'm for being here with all of you. Now I have a treasure in reserve for me to keep coming back to and digest easily all those things that went over my head at the time we talked about them. Thank you for everything, all bloggers.

Warm hugs and kisses from warm Egypt.



Dear Lilian,

Lurking is also a way of learning.

being active is of course more interesting in my opinion, but the good ting is that after the end of EVO we can carry on learning with each other. I also share the opinion that is the people and the interactions that were generated here which makes us continue learning. They are also what makes this experience even more valuable.

Thank you so much for your contributions. And I can only hope we keep learning together.



 Re: To Cristina


Dear Horacio,


The fun has just started!

We will continue meeting online - so I hope. I am also sre it will happen. I had to be away this week - quite unexpectedly for several reasons, but will be back online next week.

I have just stopped in a Macdonalds today (where we can get free wireless) to tell you all I have been thinking about you, I miss reading all your insightful messages. I also miss the fun.


And I also want to send a BIG kiss and a tight hug to all the moderators. They have done a great job, haven't they. Thank you all for your support: Carla A, Carla R, Nina, Mary, Erika, Claudia, Ana Maria, Vance and Gladys.


I will blog about my perceptions next week. But I can already tell you this was a very enriching experience and I hope this

is just teh start of a long learning relationship.


Horacio wrote:

I have browsed my emails and noticed that I have recieved a lot of wonderfuk messages from some of you. I will answer them individually when I get back online.

I just want to wish you a great week and I hope we continue this exchange of perspectives, ideas and knowledge - which I call learning generosity - after the end of the EVO sessions

And if you are going to continue teaching, IТДll be the first in the line trying to learn something from you. It is not a farewell. ItТДs only a so long.

   Warm hugs, Horacio.


Thank you


I'll write a beautiful THANK YOU to you. But since I don't have such skills, I only will say thank you to the ladies of the team and all the participants in EVO sessions 08.

Thank you for your willingness to share with us your knowledge.

Thank you for your patience to clarify the doubts of the participants.

Thank you for the hard work you have done answering so big amount of messages.

Thank you for spending your time just trying to teach us how to deal with the new tools.

Thank you, tank you, thank you.

I hope it is not the end of our relationship.

I hope it is just the beginning of our friendship.

Warm and tight hugs from Venezuela.


Congratulations and my apologies....    


Hello and congratulations to Cristina, Carla, Erika and the rest of great moderators and co-moderators.  Please receive a big hug for all the hard work and at the same time my apologies for not being active, but it was really a hard time for me and many problems kept me away...I will be checking little by little all the tasks and am sure that as a Webhead I could count on you to clear up any doubt.

Again thanks a lot and big hugs,

Ilse Mіnch:-)


Dear Ilse,

you are absolutely right. We will be here to keep the blogging spirit alive! ;-)

And we will also be here to support one another while sharing our experiences and aspirations. That is what blogging is all about. Thank you and all the Blogging4educators participants for making this workshop so meaningful and interesting. Every single contribution was/is invaluable. Sometimes we are able to contribute more than others - we can only do so much - but what matters is that we stay in touch and give others a helping hand whenever needed, even now that EVO is officially over.

Let's keep blogging, i.e., talking with each other in a reflective and constructive way.






Questions & Answers



Re: RSS widget


I wonder what Feevy is, and how well it works for you.

Cheers, Paul


To Paul, about Feevy - RSS widget


Feevy <http://feevy.com> is a dynamic blogroll, meaning that you register the blogs you want to follow, it creates a blogroll, but every time the blogs are updated, you see it on your blog feevy widget with the title and the blogger's first sentence. An interesting feature is that one someone updates the blog, it goes up on your feevy blogroll. There are many other ways to keep track of blogs, but this is a fast way to visualize updates.

Then, you can just click there and it will take you to the post you want to read or comment.

Take a look at the sidebar on my blog. There you'll see a feevy widget. http://explorations.bloxi.jp

Let me know if you need further explanation.

Carla Arena

The Blogging Team

Tag of week 6: *edublogproject*

voicthread - can people copy from blog?


I am trying to figure out how to send a song to my family an d am wondering if things like slide shows and music or photo

s uploaded to my blog can somehow be downloaded or copied by my family in Canada.

Does anyone know?

Alison Miyake


#1118      Re: voicthread - can people copy from blog?     

Hi Alison

There are probably a lot of ways this can be done.  I now have an MP3 player on my 'new' class blog [http://towardscae.blogspot.com/] where my students can listen to podcasts. I went to widgetbox, found MP3 player,changed the name to Jo4CAE Podast Player, deleted the url that was there and put in the url to my (free) podomatic account. There I can add a post -- upload an MP3 file. Every time I add a new podcast, it shows up on the MP3 player on the blog. If I were you, I'd have a blog which you use for your family. :-)

Hope this helps?!



#1119  Re: voicthread - can people copy from blog?

I started to use "mychingo" - it was free at first, and then became paying at 3 dollars/month It was easy to download the files


I almost forgot the shatteringly simple way to record any audio anytime. A simple lead with a micro-size jack on each end makes it possible to plug the audio (headphones) output straight into the mike imput - and then with audacity it is possible to record all sound from the computer without outside interference.



# 1123  Re: BOX? To Evelyn

Hi Evelyn:  very interesting your wiki. I was just planning to ask you for advice about how to store the information that I might use later.

 In fact my files are so disordered that many times I do not find what I am looking for.

 Regardless to the instructions, there is something I did not understand.

 First, go to the left side menu. and click on Biographies. (Right)

 Second, go to the right column menu and click on Add a new page.

 I didn?t see (Add a new page)  I suppose if I do not click add a new page, the rest of the information does not appear.


 Third, click on the EasyEdit botton above, type your name as a page title and write your biography, either in English or Spanish, as you feel more comfortable. Fourth, add a smiling face photo from you. Finally, save the changes and post a note to let us know what you did.


 As the first time I visited this wiki, I want to congratulate your students for counting on a very special teacher and encourage them to use the English they are learning. This is the only way to learn it.

 Warm hugs to every one,


Evelyn Izquierdo wrote:          

My students and I used Box.net and Thinkfree.com to store all texts we would use to create text-typology e-portfolios. I invite you to visit our Wiki and see how these storage sites work. 

Warm regards from Caracas,



 Pictures in Voicethread

# 1125  A last minute help-

 I'm trying to create a Voicethread to add it to my blog, but I have problems uploading pictures. When I upload a picture, it seems to be too small; it is located up and to the left. There is a blank space below, and on the right. And, if I make the picture bigger, Voicethread does not upload it. What am I supposed to do? Am I doing something wrong? What is the recommended size? Would you kindly help me, please?


 Thanks in advance,



# 1126  Re: A last minute help- Pictures in Voicethread

I've had similar problems when the pictures are too small. I checked some of the last photos I uploaded and the size is 1000 x 750 px. or 760 x 510. They are quite big, but look just fine on Voicethread.

Hope this helps.

I look forward to seeing your voicethread. :)


Carla R.

The Blogging Team


 #1133     Re: voicthread - can people copy from blog?   

For the photos, if you use bubbleshare  and  slideshare, for example, and your family go to its link, it will give you the option to download the photos. In Flickr you can download them, too. As for the other slideshows, I´m sure most of them give the option of download photos and ppt presentation.

As for audio, I guess the others have already mentioned what to do.

Carla Arena

The Blogging Team


I am trying to figure out how to send a song to my family and am wondering if things like slide shows and music or photos uploaded to my blog can somehow be downloaded or copied by my family in Canada.

Does anyone know?

Alison Miyake

A really silly question


Dear all,

I feel that this is a really silly question to ask at the end of week six. Anyway, here it is:

I want to start a collaborative blog at Blogger. How do my students access the blog in such a way that they can post to it? Do they need a Gmail account? Do I give them a code or something? I should have thought about this before. So far I have posted to other people's blogs using my own blog name as identification, but my students won't have blogs of their own.

I really feel I should know this by now, but there you are.



#1153     Re: Inviting students to post on a class blog on Blogger - To Natasa     

Hi Natasa,

Of course it's *not* a silly question!

You can invite your students as authors by clicking on "Settings" on the Dashboard and then on "Permissions". Click on "Add Authors" enter the e-mail address and click on "Invite".

They'll receive the invitation to join the blog and if they don't already have one, they'll be asked to open a Google account.

Hope it works well with your students. Please, let us know how it goes or if you have further questions.

Nice blogging!! :)

Carla R.

The Blogging Team



Some new blogs




#1111     my renewed blog     

...  As you know I am a latecomer to this group. I have been renewing my blog and I would like you to see it. http://mamaeslt.blogspot.com/

Maria Martha








25 styles of Blogging - What's your style?

 #1151  Re:


I started an entry on this... and used it as an excuse to check out how to do hyperlinks!





Carla arena wrote:

Vicky Davis calls the attention to a slideshow on blogging style. 

What's yours? Where are you heading with your blog and blog posts?

Just some food for thought in this bright Key West morning!

 Carla Arena

The Blogging Team



 #1166     Blogging4educators: threads     


Dear Participants, moderators

... I'd like to invite you and your students  again to participate or, at least, take a look only at my new wiki  which I've just created for running International conference online for students and teachers  and explore a Wetpaint Wiki.

Nina Lyulkun

The Blogging Team




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