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  Week 4: Feb.4 - 10

Making your Blog Unique



Week 4: Making your Blog Unique



During this week, participants will:


- focus on Content:


  • Explore approaches to help students develop their blog content.
  • Understand the importance of Networking and reading other Blogs in Education
  • Focus on their blogging tone and uniqueness


- focus on Design:


  • Add files (audio or other types) to their entries
  • Identify the main areas in blog templates and their functions
  • Learn the basics of HTML code in order to provide a personal touch to their blog templates, embed multimedia widgets and  in their blogs, and/or any other useful applications which will fulfill the participants' blogging purposes


Extension: Useful tips to template customization

                  Learn about Edubloggers' Communities ( eg. http://edubloggerworld.ning.com/  and others)





Task 1 - Discussion Topic: How to Grow a Blog


a. Watch Konrad Glogowsky's presentation on "Initiating and sustaining Conversations: Assesment

    and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning" where he discusses some pedagogical considerations on how to 

    scaffold the blogging process of our students.


YouTube plugin error


b. Visit our blog to read the post Konrad has written for our session and take part in the conversation. This is a  

    unique opprtunity to exchange ideas with the author himself, another one of the amazing possiblities of the   

    participatory web.


c. Read Paul Allison's experience with his class as his students' blogs develop and "bloom". How does it relate to

     the previous presentation? Have you had a similar experience? How would you use the “Be a Blogger!” Matrix in your



d. Share your reflections on this topic by writing a post or posting an audio file (see task 2) on your brand-new blog.

    Tag your post growablog and we'll be able to follow the conversation through  

    Technorati http://www.technorati.com/search/growablog?authority=n&language=n

    Both Konrad and Paul are looking forward to our feedback!


e. Visit other participants' blogs and leave a comment. We can help them grow by sharing and caring!




Task 2 - Adding voice and other files to entries


a. Create a sound file at Odeo (http://odeo.com) or Podomatic (www.podomatic.com). Alternatively, you can create a video message in Springdoo ( http://www.springdoo.com/ )

b. Create a slideshow at Bubbleshare (www.bubbleshare.com) or Voice Thread (http://voicethread.com/#home) and add your voice comments.

c. Please share your slideshow(s) with the rest of the community, by including it/them in your blogs (in one of your blog posts).


Do you have any questions? Post them to the group.


Tutorials for Task 1:

Task 3 - Personalizing templates


a. Edit your blog sidebar links

b. Add a widget to your template. Use widgetboxmashable or technoratiwidgets .

c. Share your favorite tools on our blog 



Widgets on Blogger 

Widgets on Edublogs  


Optional Tasks


a. Create and edit a new element in your sidebar

b. Change the size and alignment of some of your widgets.

c. Insert your logo in the header (click HERE for a step-by-step guide)



Blogs of the Week and Extension Activities


Check our pageflakes



Office Hours 


Tuesday, February 5


from 15GMT to 16GMT Carla Raguseo 
(Skype ID: carla.raguseo)

Tuesday , Friday (Feb 5 and 8) SKYPE from 12 GMT to 14 GMT

Ana Maria Menezes

(Skype ID: anamariacult)


Visit http://www.timeanddate.com to check what time that is for you.



Live Sessions


Presenters of the Week


Women of the Web2.0 (WOW2.0)


Sharon Peters is a former middle and senior school English teacher. Over the years, Sharon and her students participated in several award-winning global online collaborative projects with classes around the world. She has presented topics about 21st century new media literacy skills at a number of international conferences and regularly webcasts shows for educators. Sharon's role at LEARN includes overseeing the design of learning and evaluation situations in ELA and providing resources for ELA educators.

Name: Vicki A. Davis
Home: Camilla, Georgia, United States
About Me: I'm a teacher, entrepreneur, edublogger, conference presenter, and freelance writer. I am an avid reader, technology "geek", and heart-felt Christian. Locally, I've been Camilla Chamber president, a Rotarian, and a Leadership Georgia graduate.My class wiki has won many awards and media recognition. I am a Tech Learning blogger, co-founder of  Women of Web 2 and co-host the WOW2 show Tuesdays at 9 pm EST at Ed Tech Talk. I co-authored the Flat Classroom Project and Horizon Project.
See my complete profile




Jennifer Wagner.....

was looking for an interesting way to collect data for a science fair project and posted her question to the EdTech newsgroup board, and the O.R.E.O. Online Project was born. The Project is now in its NINTH year and TechnoSpud.com hosts many online projects during each year. She was the top finalist in the Global SchoolNet Foundation Teacher Award in 2005 for her online projects and effective uses in teacher telecollaboration and has won various other awards for her innovative use of technology. Her TechnoSpud website has a monthly newsletter with Useful Links, Technololgy Facts, and a 30-Minute Technology Tip for teachers to use immediately in their classroom or lab. She is an enthusiastic conference speaker and enjoys sharing the power of technology in and out of the classroom. Jennifer has just published her first book, 35 Tech Tips for Teachers!

Websites: Technospud.com, TechnospudProjects.com, TheBloggersCafe.com, Online Projects 4 Teachers

Blog: http://www.technospud.com/blog




Hello, I am Cheryl Oakes, I live in ME, USA, my blogsite is located @ Weebly, http://www.cheryloakes.com
I am a Collaborative Content Coach for Technology in Wells, Maine in the Wells Ogunquit Community School District a member of Webheads 2005, SEEDLINGS, teacher, webcaster,  and mom.
Here are my websites:
I blog 2 times a month for www.techlearning.com/blog
It is all about conversations and sharing.

 February 6th, Wednesday


at 2GMT


at WiziQ




Konrad Glogowsky

Blogger, Educator


 February  10th, Sunday


at WiziQ




Check the tutorial on how to register at WiZiQ.





Click here to check your work for week 4



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