Week 1 Week 3
Threads for Week 2
(Messages #411-#671)
Visit our Delicious for all the links mentioned during Week Two.
Week Two Welcome Messages from the Blogging Team

Carla Arena
# 411
Dear B4E participants!
First, we would like to congratulate all of you for such active participation on week 1. Besides the almost 400 messages exchanged this week, the blog discussion at http://blog4educators.blogspot.com/ has been a place for constructive knowledge sharing and creation. Worth a visit! For those of you who have not finished week 1 tasks, remember that you can refer to all tasks at our wiki and complete them at your own pace.
Not sure if you've accomplished Week 1 tasks? Check our benchmarks here
The main objectives for week 2 are to understand the meaning of blogging and their relevance for learners, choose a bloghost (Blogger or Edublogs), start
your blog, and get to action by writing your first post! Remember to tag your post *blogging4educators . *Next week, we'll explore the importance of tagging in the blogosphere.*
Please, access http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/Week2 <http://bloggingforbeginners.pbwiki.com/WeeklyTasks2> for instructions, tips, links and office hours.
As soon as you create and post on your blog, make sure you add the link to your blog at our Participants' blogs database
The highlight of the Week? Bee Dieu's presentation on Social Media. It will be a great start for Week 2. Bee is an amazing Brazilian EFL educator.
She'll be speaking straight from Australia. Join us! For more information about her presentation on Tuesday, Jan 22, access our wiki
Looking forward to lots of interaction, questions, comments and blog URLs!
We invite the ones who want to take a step ahead to check our pageflakes for the week and participate in the new world of microblogging in Twitter. Remember, this is totally optional.
Warm regards from extremely windy Key West,
Carla Arena
On behalf of the Blogging Team
# 427
Dear B4E participants,
I hope you have enjoyed the first week of activities. Much has been said about blogs…now it is time we started also doing something about it! :-)
We have reserved this week not only to continue the conversation about blogs, but also to help you set up your own blog somewhere in the blogphere. There is nothing like getting hands-on and trying the “real thing”, right? Together we will achieve a better understanding of what blogging is all about. It will be loads of fun too!
Please have a look at our moderators’ blogs and decide which free service you would prefer to use: Blogger or Edublogs. They are both great blog servers, but you might be inclined to use one more than the other, especially due to the way they are displayed and look like. Once you have decided which one to go for, please follow the respective tutorial, available in our wiki Area, and “settle yourself in” in cyberspace. Don’t forget to share the coordinates (=Blog’s URL) with us all so we can visit your new blog. (A folder labelled Participants'Blogs in our Yahoo!Groups “Links” has also been created for that purpose)
As a motto for your first blog post, you might consider to reflect about your experience in B4E and/or about the process of creating a blog. We can’t wait to start visiting your blogs. This feels almost like visiting the recently arrived neighbours in the neighbourhood. We will make sure to bring you a pie – in the form of a comment - to welcome you to your new cyberspace whereabouts. I am sure many other participants will visit you too! ;-)
We can’t wait for this week’s interaction!
Cristina Costa
The B4E Team
# 432
Dear Blogging Educators (to-be, ok!),
Only 57 members answered our introductory survey during week 1. I want to say "Bravo" for them, especially because it seems they'll be learning a lot during these weeks we are sharing! [=D>]
You can now read the survey results at our wiki: http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/IntroductorySurvey
And, whether you've answered the survey or not, you can still contribute by posting your reactions as replies to this message.
Lots of good luck with your new blogs as from this week.
Remember we're all around to help you, so don't be afraid of playing around!
Gladys |

# 574
Dear Denise,
Can you imagine how wonderful it could be if you shared your interest in neurobiology in SLA on a blog? I'd love to learn about it with you and I'm sure many educators here would be interested in the blogging conversations.
It's a huge pleasure for me and Erika to have you here. Little by little we can see the effect of years of work in the edtech field in our school. Just to prove that, though we won't reach everybody, there are always the brave ones like you who take the plunge and just excel! Welcome and we hope you find this blogging journey as exciting as we believe it is!
Carla A |
# 582
Dear all,
We'd like to congratulate all of you again on the amazing job you are doing. Personally, I'm not only excited, but also deeply moved by the richness, depth and variety of your productions.You are working with so much care and dedication!We have blogs about art, adult education, anecdotes, reflections, etc... topics that really matter to you.
Let's face it! It takes great courage to share our ideas and reflections with the world. Besides, we are dealing with new concepts and technical challenges and most of us are doing this in a foreign or second language!
I've recently come across an old post in an blog called Heyblog <http://www.heyotwell.com/heyblog/archives/000175.html> whose tagline is "A Space for Half-formed Thoughts". It really called my attention since I think when we write a post we do it because we want to share our
own perspective but we also want to open it to discussion to learn what others think about it. We know we need others to gain a deeper insight into the things we really care about.
We'd like to thank you all for letting us be a part of your brave new blogging journey.
Cyber hugs,
Carla Raguseo |
# 588
HI Denise,
Welcome to B4E.
I am really glad you joined us. Your interests in languages are quite interesting and I hope to a learn about it by reading your reflections through your blog! ;-)
Make yourself at home and have a look at the activities we have prepared for you and which you can find in our wiki: http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/
Keep the communication going and share with us your ideas, questions, reflections, etc here in this mailing list.
Cris |
# 665
Hello Kim!
Welcome to our session!
I'm glad to see you've been exploring the tools for our session.
You'll find the weekly tasks on our Wiki <http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/> . We are just about to start
week 3 but you don't need to rush. Just take your time to see what we've been doing. I'm sure you'll find our blog discussions for weeks 1 and two very useful. These are the URLs for the blogs, which you can also access through the wiki.
Discussion Week 1 Blogger Blog: <http://blog4educators.blogspot.com/>
Discussion Week 2 Edublogs Blog: <http://blogging4educators.edublogs.org/>
Hope this helps you get started.
Carla Raguseo |
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Blogging Tools

# 419
I'm sending you a video which I think represents true collaborative work. Search at: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsukj_lessons-from-geese_business

# 424
Thanks for sharing this great video with us! I guess you already have material to start your first blog. :)
It's all about how to build a community upon trust and willingness to help and protect one another, shifting among the roles of expert and contributor to the group, respecting everybody's skills and talents, encouraging each other's progress. It's really hard work to keep a healthy community going, but it's definitely one of the most rewarding experiences we can go through.
Carla Raguseo

# 425
Thanks for sharing an inspiring video who captures the essence of what we've been trying to do with this group and also how the Blogging Team worksbehind the curtains. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsukj_lessons-from-geese_business
Carla stated so well the main points of working in a collaborative environment. I've been learning from this experience from the beginning.
The video tells it all and the funny thing is that I've been taking photos of individual birds and flocks to exactly make an analogy with this group. I could never do better than the video...
Carla Arena
Tagging & RSS

# 426
Our co-moderator Vance Stevens, who will be sharing all he knows about tagging and the importance of RSS (really simple syndication) during week 3, has added his video to the Moderators' Voicethread.
Check it out at : <http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/moderators> Thanks, Vance, for being part part of Blogging4Educators!
Carla Raguseo

# 456
What a great video you?ve shared with us. I?ll include it in the blog we have for our study group at school http://www.cultstudygroup.blogspot.com . Great find!

# 431 Love the site!... why the platypus? ... my son is ENAMORED with "platies" --has been since birth--and we don't come across them too often, so I have to ask!
Gina (in New York)
# 434
... thanks for visiting our blog! The story behind the platypus started as a joke. I was once with some friends in a bar (appartently the best place to start silly conversations) talking about strange things we can find in the world. Someone mentioned the platypus and everybody agreed that it was probably an animal created during the seventh day, while God was taking a nap... There were probably bits and pieces lying around and His assistants decided to create something together. So it was really the first example of collaborative work we could think of and the proof that working together (without the direct supervision of a project manager) can produce interesting - and sometimes unusual - results!
This story came to my mind when I was thinking of a name for the blog, as I wanted my students to participate as much and as often as they wanted to. I'm not quite there yet, it isn't always easy to get private students to engage in collaborative projects. But the fun part is definitely there! :-D
# 433
Hi Olena ... I think I can say that here we share to learn and learn to share. Doesn't it sound good. I just love these interactions and I am sure you will too.
This week we are going to start blogging. How cool is that. Please check our wiki and create your own blog. Don't forget to share its URL with us so we can visit. Any questions, please feel free to contact us.
I surely would like to hear more about the experiences with your students. I have never worked with young kids but hope to in the near future. I am really excited about that and hope to learn a lot from you and the other participants.
Video in You Tube

# 491
After a great live session with Bee, I found this video in You Tube and wanted to share it with you. Hope you like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WczaqwhyYvk

# 504
Thanks for sharing the link to the "To Blog...!" music video (mauritsfondse <http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=mauritsfondse> , YouTube, July 13, 2007). I loved it so much that I shared it with students immediately, for much needed comic relief from looming final
exam pressures!
# 509

Not sure if Picassa allows people to comment on your pics. You can do that in Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/cristinacosta/

# 523
Dear Vicky,
I directed you to Flickr because I consider it to be an excellent social networking photo sharing space, and you can find amazing photos that you can use under Creative Commons License. To use the photos for educational purposes is totally free if you look for the ones who have the CC license.
You can upload up to 200 photos for free. In my case, for example, I can take 200 photos very easily in a day! So, I decided to have the paid version which is worth every penny, around $24 a year.
There are many other options. I just didn't want to overwhelm you all, but you can check Bee Dieu's online bookmarks for Royalty-free photos. http://del.icio.us/dekita/photos-royalty-free
Carla Arena
# 527
I've been surfing through Flickr to find what kind of art galleries they have. What is interesting to me is that a year ago (or so) it was easier to do a search and find water colours, oil paintings,
artists, etc. What I discovered this time is that Flickr has gotten so big ("2,847 photos uploaded in the last minute") that quick search words don't work so well (e.g. I found plenty of photos with water and colours and oil, etc but not oil paintings or water colours--and I did spell color with and without the u!)
Nevertheless, here's a link to a pro I came across that could serve as an inspiration for ideas. This artist (Chuck Rose) has lots of paintings on his Flickr page http://www.flickr.com/people/chuckrose1/ and a Blogger blog with descriptions of the same paintings http://strugglingtopaint.blogspot.com/
Joining a Flickr group seems to be the way to go. Here's one called The Portrait Painter:
http://www.flickr.com/groups/53128776@N00/pool/ I think this is all leading to next week's topic on tagging, right?
Jane Petring
# 532
Dear Blogging4educators participants - I want to share a great resource with you. It's called Slideshare and it's extremely easy to use. Students and teachers worldwide share their power point presentations on this free website - I did that with my students - they were so motivated by the fact that their presentations are available on the web and anyone can see them, post a reply or a comment, add it as a favourite, etc. What is great about this website is that it records the number of viewers, so your students can compete - whose presentation was the most popular in the web! (Mine are still doing that :)) You can also create a slidecast, which means that you add your voice to the slides - isn't that a great device for practicing speaking skills? (especially with shy student who do not want to speak in front of a larher audience). this is the link to presentations on blogging - Check it out! I found tons of excellent information and I hope that you can do the same: http://www.slideshare.net/search/slideshow?q=blogs&submit=post
This is the link to my account - check on what my students have created and feel free to share that with your students as well. You can create your own account, upload your presentations, join groups like "Web 2.0 education" or "ESL", add favourites and get notified via e-mail every time a presentation related to your interests is posted. http://www.slideshare.net/daniMD
# 539
It is indeed a great resource. And now they also have slidecast, which allows you to embed sound to your presentations. I have just tried this feature with someone from the USA. It was great fun and a really collaborative activity. http://www.slideshare.net/cristinacost
You can also include the presentations in a blog which is really cool.
I am sure to your students really appreciated the fact they were working for a real audience by making their presentations available online.
And indeed, its great potential is that it also allows you to leave comments. It is true communication. Thanks for sharing! ;-)
CBC Radio

# 615
CBC Radio is starting an interesting 5-week series of radio broadcasts on Memory that I thought some of you might be interested in (since so many people responded with interest to Denise's studies in Neurobiology). The lectures are an hour long and usually they are available as a podcast on their website (tonight's lecture should be posted by Monday). I like to download lectures like these on my mp3 player and then listen to them while cross-country skiing or biking. Here's the link for more information: http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/features/once-future-past/index.html
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Blogging Tips

# 516 Tips of the Day
Dear all,
We all know how excited you're to start your baby blogs that will mature in no time, or to enhance your dormant blogs after a makeover.
One point that you should always be aware of is copyright issues when you're blogging. Also, it's important to discuss them with your students before they start blogging.
So, our tip for the day is paying attention to the images you publish on your blog.
- Look for images in Flickr that are under Creative Commons License < http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/>. You'll understand how it works as this page gives the explanation on what the different licenses are.
More information about Creative Commons here <http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Frequently_Asked_Questions> and their Remix video <
- Give credit to the author for the image you're using on your blog according to the License you choose.
- Here's a very simple way to understand copyright issues <
We hope these tips help you in your blogging journey!
-- Carla Arena On behalf of the Blogging Team http://explorations.bloxi.jp http://www.flickr.com/photos/carlaarena/sets/
# 547
... The answer is not simple and i don't have a good one, but I have my personal experience to share.
I used to write a blog in Portuguese and it was related to my own reality at the time. I had readers and I liked it a lot. However, My life changed and I decided to change blogs as well. What I did then was to write a final post saying I was migrating to another site and that that phase of life was over. A new chapter then started in a new blog.
I don't thing you should change the blog's title or subject - because it was meaningful for you at a certain time of your life / career. But the truth is that we move on and change perspectives. STill it is nice to revisit what we did in the past sometimes. So my opinion is that you should create a new one and invite your old blog audience to visit you in your new address! :-)

# 549
I totally agree with Cris. In fact, I've seen many "professional" bloggers migrate to a new blog either because they were not satisfied with the bloghost or because they were changing blogging directions, or just because they wanted a fresh start. So, they did just like Cris said. They wrote a
last blog post, and invited the readers to change the blog feed (we'll learn about that next week!) to the new one.
Carla Arena
# 552
I like some of the blogs created by participants here. I'm wondering how to link our blogs so that the link of one appears on the other blogs. I think this could be a good way to promote blogs and generate more communication.
How to write blog post
# 555

This is a very straightforward effective post on how to write a blog post.
As you're working on that this week, we felt you'd enjoy it.
Mrs. Durff is always online and around, so if you have any questions for her, I could pass them on!
We hope it inspires you.
Warm regards,
Carla Arena
Links to blogs

# 556
Hello Lilian
One option is to include the links to your favorite blogs on your sidebar.
Also, you can show the name of other bloggers who have recently visited yourblog.
This way, if someone click on their names, they will be able to visit their profiles and see all other blogs they own. Look at the sidebar of this blog for instance:
Erika Cruvinel

# 557
You're certainly getting deep and serious about blogging because that's the whole point about it, how can we connect to each other's blogs to generate conversations and see the updates?
There are many ways! Certainly, blogs are linked through tags and RSS, as Vance Stevens pointed out before. This will be the topic of Week 3. I'm sure you'll get a better overview on that.
For the time being, I'd point you to a little widget I find very useful called Feevy . You need to sign up for an account and then you just add the URLs of the blogs that interest you and copy the html they provide and paste it on your blog. Then, it will show on your sidebar the latest updated for each blog you registered.
Here's an example on my sidebar http://brazilandbrazilians.blogspot.com/
How do you do that?
In *Blogger*,
Copy the html feevy will give you.
Go to your blog dashboard (Top right, "customize", after having signed in)
Go to "Page Elements"
"Add page element"
Choose "Html/javascript"
"Add to blog"
Paste the html you got from Feevy Voila!
The blogs you registered will be on your sidebar and you can keep adding them.
There are other options for blog connectivity, but I don't want to overwhelm you ahead of time! :=))
Also, I've been keeping the newly created blogs at our pageflakes participants' blogs!
Wait for next week to see what really glues blogs together!
Let me know if you succeeded.
-- Carla Arena
# 586
Hi Velma,
I checked your blog but couldn't see the link to comment on iy. Maybe you could change the color of the foont because the contrast between pink and green is not that good, and that is something we have to pay attention in cyberspace: the way we display our content is very important. I usually use colors that contrast well. For instance: light backgrounds and dark font or the other way around.
# 598
Actually, Edublogs, or Uniblogs in this case, have both categories and tags. In the past they used to have only categories, but they have recently added tags as well. You can add your tags in the box below your post separated by a comma.
The way I see it, categories have to do with the internal organization of your blog and tags with words that describe the content of each particular blog post. If you have a look at our Edublogs Blog <http://blogging4educators.edublogs.org/> , we have categorized the posts (one post so far) according to the weeks and type of material used: Week 2, Video and added the tags corresponding to the topics discussed in the post. You can see the categories and the tags at the end of the post and on the left sidebar.
Carla Raguseo
# 644
Dear all,
in the last few days copyright issues were address. This is indeed an aspect of the digital and information world which can no longer be disregarded and we all should be aware of its implications in education.
A couple of months ago I put some information together about it - in a very simple way - so my staff could have an idea about copyright issues online. You can visit it here http://blogs-and-wikis.wikispaces.com/copyright
I hope you find it useful and I invite anyone who is interested to edit and add info to it, because this is what the online world, and web 2.0, is all about: sharing and thinking together.
I hope you find it useful.

# 651
Thanks for sharing the info. on copyright material and licensing that you put together in your wikispaces:
I've had a quick look and, so I can find it again, added a cross-link from:
Though intellectual property is an issue of great concern, I have yet to consolidate information that I've been collecting on a blog:
Nevertheless, you are more than welcome to browse and click through the links there.
Cheers, Paul

# 671
Hi Paul,
Thanks for sharing these resources related to copyright. Also, I really enjoyed visiting your blog: interesting content, beautiful theme, and great organization of a lot of information!! http://ltdproject.edublogs.org/
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Questions & Answers
# 575
1- When I created my blog I didn't realise it was in Portuguese. Now I want to change the idiom but I just can't find the instructions on how to really do it!!! The dates are in Portuguese as well as all page elements. 'm Portuguese but I would like my blog to be in English...
2- I also don't know where to go to leave a comment to all who have posted there. Do I have to do it by adding another post? Isn't there a 'post on the post' way?
# 575
I'll try to tell you how to change the language, but my computer is set up in French, so I'm not sure what some of Blogger's English terms are, but here goes:
First log in (your username = your complete email address), then click on the dashboard. Click Parameters (here, I'm guessing, but it's Paramètres in French). Then, under Parameters click the third button from the left--in French it's "Mise en forme" so it's probably Set-up in English (and who knows in Portuguese!). Scroll down to where it says Language and there should be a drop-down menu where you choose the language. Then remember to Save your Parameters (Orange button at the bottom of the page).
# 591
Categories in wordpress means tags, as in blogger labels also are meant to mean tags. Different companies develop their own way of referring to it. the important thing in the end is that we tag is what we do so it is easier for other people to search and find it.
It is another way of sharing! :-)
Recording of both WiZiQ sessions

# 592
Dear Horacio,
It was really nice to hear your voice this morning in skype and great to be of help. As you weren´t able to attend any of the sessions and hadproblems with the links people sent you, let´s try one more time.I´ve just tested this link and it worked. Click on the link bellowand then on VIEW SESSION, wait a while and you´ll hear the wholesession and also see the slides used.
SESSION WEEK ONE : with Carla Arena
The link to session two took a longer time to start.

# 597
Dear all,
Remember that once you're viewing the recording, you can move to different parts of the presentation. The first our is just me setting up things for
Bee's presenation. So, you can move ahead straight to her presenation.
Carla Arena

# 600
I've signed up at fivvy as you suggested, my account in ' http://www.feevy.com/code/7241 <http://www.feevy.com/code/7241%27> now, what
shal I do with that? I've written down other people's blogs so I can receive the new entries to their blogs, is it? I'm not sure....
# 589
I have created a new blog on uniblogs (wordpress) but I can't work out how to add tags. It seems that I can only add categories- I don't think they are the same things (are they???) If you are interested my new blog is http://johoca.uniblogs.org/

# 610
Jo, Carla's right. Wordpress blogs now afford both categories and tags. If you start with categories, you can change them selectively to tags
later. Categories allow nesting, or hierarchies, for example:
Instruction, &
In contrast, about all you can do in Blogger is create overlappinglabels. For example:
This post marks a turning point in the labels (or tags)that I use: >From "b4b" -for Blogging for Beginners <http://bloggingforbeginners.pbwiki.com/> ,
To "b4b/b4e/lwc"- for all of the previous B4B posts, plus:
· New ones for Blogging for Educators <http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/> , and possibly
· Residual or new posts earmarked for Learning with Computers <http://learningwithcomputers07.pbwiki.com/> .
(pab's potpourri, NewLabel Subsumes B4B <http://pabspotpourri.blogspot.com/2008/01/new-label-subsumes-b4b.html> , 2008.01.25).
# 625
Vance here. Yes, I believe categories are what Wordpress calls its tags, and in blogger, they are called labels. You should definitely label, tag,
or categorize your posts. This is very important. You can have as many labels as you like except where blogger, for example, limits you to 200
characters. In any event, you should tag ALL posts you create in conjunction with this post by the tag (label or category).
blogging4educators ... that's the tag, right?
Also pay attention to how to delimit your tags. In blogger you delimit with a comma. This means your tags can be more than one word. But many sites have you delimit with a space (so tags are one word, or one_word like this - if you space delimit in blogger you will end up with one long tag, but you can go back and fix it, don't worry).
AND you can give your posts other tag terms as well, whatever you think will serve to categorize, label, or TAG your post.
Tag are essential, key, to the social nature of blogging. You will see how it works if you start tagging your posts right away.
Also, you should ensure that your blog is public (unless you want it to be private). In Blogger you go to settings to make your blog public. If it's
public it can be found by tag search engines such at http://technorati.com. If it's not public it won't show up on the searches we do.
There are other considerations as well, but I think we'll be talking in greater depth about this in the week coming up,
# 612
I'm happy that I'm not overly frustrated -- taking this in stride, but am a bit stumped and unfortunately short on time tonight to pursue further.
I will try to master the world of edublogs blogging -- wordpress -- but am definitely not finding it intuitive... so far.
I am not sure that I followed steps in correct order -- but am sure I did at least get a minimal start:www.BoomerLangs.edublogs.org
I think part of my problem has something to do with this message that I received somewhere along the way -- and have NOT yet complied with -
- because I can't find the right place?
Can anyone guide me? I have a tab/page created but was trying to have that be on the "home" page (titled: More about the name...) anyway, here's what I received: (with the HTML code which I didn't copy here)
To get started, add the code below to your blog template in between the OPEN body (<body>) tag and the CLOSE body (</body>) tag and republish. The optimal place is just after the OPEN body (<body>) tag. Tracking will begin immediately after the code has been added to your blog.
# 613
Dear Holly,
You've created a beautiful spot at Boomer Langs!
It's a great idea to create a static page to explain what the name of the blog means so that it is always visible for readers. However, if you want to move it to the "Home" page, you'll have to click on Write ,Write Post. The "home" page is actually the blog (dynamic part of the site) while the rest of the pages you create are static and usually feature information about the blog and the author. A special characteristic of these pages is that sometimes readers can also publish comments there as in your case.
Another tip, is that you can include the tagline "It all comes back to you…" under the title in the header. To do this, go to Options - General and type the tagline in the box.
I'm afraid I'm not sure where the message with the HTML code came form , but maybe if you give us more details later we'll be able to figure it out together.
Carla Raguseo
# 622
You have indeed created a static page called "More About the name...BoomerLangs", as Carla has pointed out, to explain the name of your blog. But moving it to the "Home" page and keeping it static is a bit more complicated than simply rewriting it as a post, since any subsequent posts will move to the head of the line and push your explanation down.
To do the job properly, you'll need a commercial webhosting account that allows you to install WordPress (via control panel) and actually download, edit, and re-upload files yourself. Depending on the provider, you may be able to edit files on the fly.
Free sites such as wordpress.com and edublogs.org, while fine for getting your feet wet, do not give you this option. Budget commercial accounts can be had for as little as $5/month, are infinitely more customizable than the free services, and allow you to install new plugins as they become available.
For more seasoned WordPress users with their own installations, you can make a static home page by first creating a file called home.php containing whatever WordPress template tags, text, images, and links you wish to use, and uploading it to the Wordpress theme folder. This should trump the default index.php file and display that new static page when users key in your WordPress address from their browser.

# 627-632
Hello Consuelo
Last year this same session was called Blogging 4 Beginners and I think you might have found some of the materials for EVO 2007. We have adapted and changed many links for EVO 2008, but you can still find all the materials for last year's session at: http://bloggingforbeginners.pbwiki.com/
You will probably find that reading under the weekly tasks or suggested readings in the sidebar.
But please don't feel confused. That is *not* this year's session!!!
Erika Cruvinel

Dear blogging team
I had been reading some interesting texts that I used to access through a link that was on the Wiki. something like "blogging for beginners". I new there was something for week three, but I just don't see that link anymore. Is there other way to access to those readings?
# 634
I have viewed the video "In their own words" and I would like to post a comment but I have no idea how to do that. I can't find anything that says how. I want to continue but I cannot figure out how to do it. thank you.
# 636

Dear JDbenevento,
To post a comment in our Edublogs Blog <http://blogging4educators.edublogs.org/> , please have a look at the bottom of the post. Right after the tags it says 44 Comments. Once you click there, scroll down to the end of the thread, fill out the form with the information required (website is optional), write the security word and write your comment in the box. Finally, click on the submit comment button.
Carla Raguseo
# 645-648
my name is kim and i live in jerusalem, israel where i teach english to all ages. i have no background in web2 (what is it?) and dont know too much about a blog. i really want to become more computer literate for the classroom. this is also my first EVO clas.
.... learning about blogging is taking me a long time. i am just exploring and exploring, learning and getting overloaded. i looked at your site and will look later. but meanwhhile, what is a voiki? i clicked it and got gossip girl, having nothing to do about english?
... i am trying to register on attendr. i put in the password and it does not accept it so i can not add myself. it seems to be straightforward but it is not working. how do i do this?
# 649
Dear Kim,
That is a good question.
Attendr is an attendee map-based application which allows people to have an idea of the residency country of the people attending an event. It also offers the possibility for individuals to display links related to their activity. It is a good complement to your digital presence when you are attending a given event. It is another way to establish a network and exchange information about the "self"
As for classroom application, I could see it being in collaborative projects, when 2 or more classes from different parts of a country/world get together and communicate. It is a neat way to map the people we communicate with.
I can also see it as a nice way to study the ATLAS :-)
It is all about creativity and imagination!

# 650
I've been reading about plugin management and I came across with Akismet.
It must be something really simple, but I can't seem to understand this.
Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot!
# 652
Akismet is an anti-spammer software which will try to prevent spam comments to "attack" your blogposts.
In wordpress, this plugin is already available. You just need to activate it in the plugin area, one you are in your wordpress blog's dashboard.
I hope it helps.

# 653 - # 654 a URL?
... what is a plugin? plugin management? spam? anti-spam for a blog? i am new to all this jargon and would love an explanation!
i am on the pbwiki and went to the blog site but i don't see a url above on my computer. i am not sure what a url is, but i thought it was the address to type in so i can access the blog.
lots of times, i enter webpages and can not find the site address. i can not remember specifically, but maybe when i do a search and then click the link.
so my question is, how can i find the site, url name, so i have it on reference?
hope this question is clear, kim

# 655 - # 656
Dear Kim,
please check our bloglossary :-) in our wiki http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/glossary You will find loads of info there.
Not really sure what you mean. A URL is a An Internet World Wide Web Address. Every blog or site have one. you should be able to view it on the navigation toolbar of your browser. Which URL were you looking for? Maybe i could email it to you?!
# 658 - # 659
... why are there two different blog sites for our blog page? can someone explain? is it the same or different site?
... also, how does one post a comment on our blog site? it asks us questions but there is no way to add a comment yet most of you already added comments. how do you do this?
... i am on the blog for our class, reading the comments. they all appear in a very small box and the icon to enlarge it (ie the middle icon usually at the top right of any internet screen) is not an option. i really need a full screen to read.
... why can i not get a full screen? how can i - the regular icon i always use is not possible.
# 660, 662
Hello Kim
I'm not an expert but I'll try to help you. When you go to a blog, there is a post (what the "owner" of the blog wrote) and underneath there is, for example, '4 comments'. you click there and you can read the comments, and on the side there is a part which says "leave your comment". You write what you want and scroll down to write the word verification, your e-mail address and password (which will not appear anywhere) and after that you click on 'publish your comment'.
Angela http://teachersbeliefs.blogspot.com/
Did you try just clicking on the title of the messages? Good luck,
# 663
Dear Kim,
you can't get a full screen window because the comment window was set up as a pop-up window. However, there is a little trick you can use.
Click on the comment link with the right button of the mouse and once a pop-up menu open near it, select one of the following options: "open in new tab" or "open in a new window".
The comment window will open as a maximized window in your browser. Hope it helps.
# 664
Thanks Angela.
That was a good explanation.
Just bear in mind that blog owners enable the comment feature in different ways. In blogger, for instance, the blog owner may limit the comments to be submitted only by blogger users, meaning you need to have a blogger account. But they may also open the comments to all blogsphere, meaning you are able to provide your name and blog's URl independently of the blog service you use. This is the more advisable solution because it enables the entire blogsphere to communicate with you without any problems.

# 666
... what does pb stand for? we say wiki but there is also pbwiki. what does wiki stand for?
# 667
PBWiki stands for "PeanutButterWiki" It is a commercial wiki farm run by three graduates of Stanford University: David Weekly, Ramit Sethi, and Nathan Schmidt. .."
A trick: when you want to know what something means try to google it. Type define and the word/concept you want to find information about in google search engine and google will link you to it. I like this google trick a lot! hope you find it useful.
Back to the top
New Blogs - New Experiences
Exciting Week 2

# 440
m plugging away here...
I signed up with edublog and am working on creating my blog. I'm having formatting troubles though and can't seem to leave a line/ space between paragraphs??? I feel so silly because I've tried hitting <enter> twice, tried formatting <p> to indicated paragraph, but the text just all runs together...
Any tips? (you can check it out: http://webgina.edublogs.org/ and feel free to make any other comments/suggestions!)
# 448
Dear Gina,
Great start!
You've published your first post and tagged it appropriately. Congrats! I'm sure "Webgina's Chat" will be a lively chatterbox soon!
I know text formatting can sometimes drive us crazy. It's happened to me so many times...! so I keep trying...
Pressing the enter key twice was agood idea. Just a question, when you used the <p> tag did you use the closing tag </p> at the end of both paragraphs as well?
BTW, I've just left a comment there but it still doesn't appear because it's awaiting moderation. If you haven't chosen to moderate comments, you can go to Options, Discussion and unselect the option: "Comment author must have a previously approved comment" and finally click on "Update options" for the comments to appear immediately, but if you
have, it's just fine. :) It's good to know there are different options for comment moderation. This is, in fact, an aspect we are going to explore this week.
Carla Raguseo
# 442
I have a question. When starting my blog do I have to do something related to education?
I'm worried because it's my first time and I would like to create a blog for my students after a little while, after I know a little more.
I was wondering if my first blog could be about Aikido (a Japanese martial art that I practise)

# 443
You are free to choose any topic or topics for your blog--it is your personal learning space! Like you said, the first blog you create will most likely be a place to practice and try out your new blogging skills. It is really interesting to share something unique about ourselves, like you've seen, Jane's art photo blog! By the way, my husband practiced Aikido for a while too, and I would love to hear more about it from your blog. Looking forward to seeing what you create!
Blogging Team
# 445
This is a good question. Ideally you should pick as a topic for your blog something that you would like to have an online conversation about. I've heard people (who don't know better) say things like "blogs are just online journals, aren't they?" This implies a one-way information transfer. If that's the case you might as well put up a static web page. Of course blog software can make it a lot EASIER for someone to put up a 'page' somewhere. But thinking of a blog in terms of unidirectional information flow misses the point considerably. A good blog will invite comments. If you turn
'trackback' on in your blog then you can see when other people are linking to you from their blogs. Appropriate use of TAGS (labels or categories in some blog software) will reveal your blog to people who search Technorati or Google Blog Search for blog posts on topics of interest to them.
So, true, the topic of your blog can be anything that interests YOU. But if you think of it in terms of Web 2.0, read-write, many-way conversation opportunities, then this might help you to direct your postings to things that are of interest to others as well.
This interest doesn't have to be popular. Blogs and other web 2.0 tools address the great need lacking in conventional publishing for vehicles for communication on niche issues, what has been called the 'long tail'. It may turn out that what interests you might be of great interest to someone else. A blog is a good way to find that other person, other people, and discover and communicate with a small but dedicated group.
I hope this helps you conceive of your topic. Incidentally, you can experiment with topics by starting an acct somewhere, with blogger for example, and keep several blogs. I have a lot of them, trying out different blog tools, mostly forgotten. I've settled into my main blog now.
# 449
You asked the question I had in mind. Sees that all green hand bloggers have teh same concerns. Thanks, Angela.
This is a comprehensive answer. I really didn't think about some of the points you mentioned such as blogging and many-ways communication. This is something really importnat to consider. I don't want to end up having a blog that only me read. Thanks a million, Vance for drawing my (and am sure others) attention to these points.
I think, like Angela, I'll just start a blog on something I know well to experiment with blogging tools before I explore the potentials for my classess.
# 470

Dear all,
In response to Angela's questions about starting a blog and picking up a topic for her blog, Angela's question: *When starting my blog do I have to do something related to education?
I'm worried because it's my first time and I would like to create a blog for my students after a little while, after I know a little more.I was wondering if my first blog could be about Aikido (a Japanese martial art that I practise)*
Vance gave a thorough view of blogs used in their full potential to establish a dialogue among readers, to engage readers in discussions.
I felt I needed to call your attention to his message as it reflects our own beliefs about blogging and might help you reflect a bit as you start your own blog:
The Blogging Team hopes Vance's ideas inspire you!
Keep asking!
-- Carla Arena
# 450
I've just created my new edublog. http://lolitablog.edublogs.org/
Please take a look and tell me what you think.

# 461
Please check out my new blog http://sheilav.edublogs.org/feed/

# 463
Congratulations, you've done that. Please, mind that the link seems to be wrong: it should be http://sheilav.edublogs.org/ without the endin feed/
Great job and so quickly.
The best of luck!
Nina Lyulkun

# 454
Where can I go to create my first blog?
I've heard of 'blogger' and 'wordpress' and now I also know that there's 'edublogger'.
Are there differences between them? Do they all offer the same options?
# 457
Both Blogger and Wordpress (edublogs is also wordpress based) are good options to start.
Please have a look at our wiki - week 2 - for tutorial on how to set up a blog:
I started with blogger, which in my opinion made my life easier when I migrated to wordpress. But I like both.
Have a look at the moderators' blogs and check which one you prefer. http://www.pageflakes.com/Blogging4Educators
Shall you need further, please let us know. You can always skype us.
Cristina Costa
# 460

Dear Elsa,
You can create free blogs at different hosts. We?ve suggested Blogger or Edublogs <http://edublogs.org/> (wordpress) . I?m more familiar with Blogger but some people love Edublogs so choose any of them and give it a try, it?s sort of addictive I warn you (hahahaha). It?s great! :)
Concerning the differences I can?t say much because I?m a newbie at Edublogs, some people say Blogger is easier to use, but concerning the tools you can add I guess they are both excellent.
# 465

Elsa asked about the difference between Blogger, Edublogs (Wordpress Platform) and edublogger. The first two, Elsa, are blog platforms in which you create your own blogs. Edublogger is just the name we give to educators involved in blogging.
As the other moderators stated, choosing one or the other is really a matter of preference. I have both for different purposes. And both have improved throughout the years and have become much more user-friendly. However, there's one little advantage in edublogs that really made a difference to me when I was using a class blog with an online course. In the wordpress platform (in our case, Edublogs), I was able to change the time of my comments, meaning that I could organize them to make sense for the students. So, for example, if in one hour 3 students replied, when I was replying
individually to them, I could post my comment just below their own comments making the thread more coherent with their comments and my comments below.
Take a look at what I mean here: http://elearningctj.bloxi.jp/a/isabel-allendes-listening-activity/ (I was replying under* elearningCTJ*)
On the other hand, Blogger seems to be a bit easier for the ones just starting...
Remember we have Office Hours this week to answer all the questions you might have
Carla Arena
The Blogging Team
# 473

Here are some tips for you to get started:
- Consider what Vance Steven's just mentioned at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blogging4educators/message/445
- Read and listen to the tutorials on our wiki page http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/Week2
- If you plan to use the blogs you're creating with your groups, carefully choose the URL for your blog (
http://xxxx.blogspot.com/http://xxxx.edublogs.org). You don't want to have it too personal, nor too broad. Consider the following:
- Do you plan to use it over the years with your classes without creating a new blog every semester? (if this is the case, don't name it with a class name, but with a name that is broader to be used as a class blog over and over)
- Is it just your own professional development reflective blog?
Think of a url that will make your blog a unique place.
- If you already have a blog, but it has already a specific purpose, you might *consider opening a new one as a sandbox for this session*. Some tasks require that you write a post on your blog, so you don't want to do this in your class blog, for example, or in a blog in another language other than English.
- Don't forget to add your blog to our participants' blogs YGs
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blogging4educators/links/Participants__Blogs_001195936056/> links
- Don't miss Bee Dieu's presentation later today <http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/Week2#BeeDieusPresentationSocialMediainEnglishLanguageTeachingnbsp>(or
early tomorrow for some). She'll add very rich input to what we've been discussing here and in our session blogs.
- TAG your posts : *blogging4educators*!
I've checked great blogs blooming this morning!
-- Carla Arena The Blogging Team

# 474
I've always been a Blogger person so for this session I decided to create a blog about creating a blog in WordPress. It was a bit challenging at first, as I was so used to Google's, but here's my first attempt:
# 481
Hi Gina, I think I know how you can overcome this formatting problem. From your profile page, under Dashboard, make sure the 'Use the visual editor when writing' option is selected. This way the writing area will be more user-friendly.

# 496
Thanks for sharing your blog with us: Waterblog <http://waterblog-vicky.blogspot.com/>
I was just going to ask you for the link to help you change the teamplate, although it seems you've managed to do it yourself and you've also added links to the sidebar. Well done! I love the name you've chosen and the beautiful picture you've added.
Please, remember to add the link to our Participants' blog section <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blogging4educators/links/Participants__Bl\ogs_001195936056/> for easy reference.
Carla Raguseo
# 497
Sorry Vicky,
I just forgot a little detail. Below your post, I can see you've added a sentence, "This space is to be shared by watercolour lovers and painters", as a label.
Labels, another word for tags, are supposed to be words we add to our post to describe their content so that other people with similar interests can find them. In this case you could add, for example: blogging4educators (since this is a blog you've created during this workshop), watercolours, painting, etc
The sentence above could be added to the post itself.
We'll be looking into this in more detail next week.
BTW, is that one of your paintings? It's simply wonderful!!!
Carla Raguseo
the Blogging Team
# 499
Here are some mini-tutorials to change your themes / templates on both blog hosts.
Once in the Dashboard, click on layout pick new template, select the template you want to use and save template.
Click on presentation and you'll see all the themes available. Once you've clicked on the image of the theme you want to try, you'll see the notice "New theme activated, view site" In some themes, you can change the color of the header. To do that, click on color options, select the color from the list at the bottom of the page and save settings
You can change and try out as many themes or templates as you want in both hosts. Feel free to experiment and let us know if you need any help.
Carla Raguseo

# 501
Hello Carla, I've been working on the blog, I think I manged to change what was wrong, but still guess thare are many things to be included, yet. I would like to add some Art Galleries and things like that. Expect Jane can help, as well as Cris and Claudia.
Hugs, Vicky
# 502
I just went to check your blog. It looks neat. I loved the watercolor too. I tried to comment but couldn't see the comment link there. Have you deactivated this option? In my humble opinion the comment feature is wahat makes blogs such a special tool for communication.
As for a gallery, I would suggest you try Flickr to upload the pictures and then add a badge to your blog, so people are able to link to it. You can find Flickr here: http://www.flickr.com/
Please skype me you you need help.
Skype ID: navysternchen

# 505
Once in the Dashboard, click on layout pick new template, select the template you want to use and save template.
Another way to get at template and layout options in Blogger, when you are logged in and viewing your blog, is to bypass the dashboard by clicking on the "Customize" link on the right at the head of every page (blog or single post display). It looks like like a tab layout - always top right:
...@gmail.com | New Post
<http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=8411698790619656040> |
Customize <http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=8411698790619656040>
| Sign Out <http://www.blogger.com/logout.g>
# 507
There you go guys, my very first blog.
It wasn't a piece of cake but I must say it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
So now please visit me at http://teachersbeliefs.blogspot.com/ and leave your comments and suggestions. Thanks a lot. This has really been a wonderful experience.

# 513
I wanted to make a comment on someone blog, but it kept saying the password was wrong. Which one shall I write ? The one I use to sign in in this group ? I inssisted and nothing happened.
Suggestions are wellcome.

# 514
... is the blog hosted in Blogger (blogspot)? If that's the case, the username and password refer to your Google account, not to your password in this group. If you don't have a Google account, don't worry; click on nickname (and write your name in the box) or on anonymous (but don't forget to sign your comment then!).

Dear Consuelo,
The one you use to sign in to Yahoogroups only works for Yahoo. Probably you were trying to answer to a Blogger blog or an Edublogs blog. In some cases, authors don't allow anonymous comments, so you would need to sign up in the platform to comment. If it were Blogger, and I know you already have a Blogger blog, you'll need to sign in with your google username and password.
I hope it helps. If not, let us know for further instructions.
Carla Arena
The Blogging Team

# 524
Wow! Feeling quite proud of myself having created my own blog...I know for you experts that's no big deal, but for me it's an achievement..Hope I tagged blogging4educators correctly...at the bottom of my posting as a "label" word...is that correct?? Also directly added my blog to the participants blog file.Looking forward to learning lots more...
I've just started creating my blog. It's very fun, I know it looks like more like a draft than a blog, but I'm new in blogging.
I'll be editing and adding new entries to it as soon as I can and new ideas come to my mind.
You can find it in http://adultsefl.blogspot.com/ if you have the time and take a look at it. It would be great if you can help sending me some comments, ideas and advices.
# 528

I'm in awe of what some of you have done... I'm still plain vanilla, but you all have inspired me... I will play around some more with my blog... http://webgina.edublogs.org/
# 533
Where is the link to your blog, Lindsay? Please send it so that I can take a look.
Mine is http://lolitablog.edublogs.org/
# 543 - #544

Her blog is http://lindsaysteachingnotes.blogspot.com
I just checked the JALT page http://jalthokkaido.net . Clean and neat and also the blog. It looks very professional. Do you post there?
-- Carla Arena
# 553
I've just made an attempt to make my blog, which a found really easy at Blogger, but of course I made some huge mistakes. Can anybody help me out?
Mistake 1. When I entered the front page it was in Spanish and ashamed I have to confess I didn't find the option for language and made it in Spanish. Big mistake! My side bar now appears in Spanish and I don't find a way to change it, can I change it? How?
Mistake 2. I found a grammar mistake in my first post and want to correct it, how can I do this?
Thanks a lot for your help
# 554
I hope I can help you with your questions:
1. To change the language of your blog, go to Configurations (second tab at the top of the page), then select Formatting (the third tab from left to right, mine is in Portuguese so I don't know what it would be in Spanish...). You'll get a list of options. Scroll down the page and you'll see that one of them is 'language'. Just shift to English, go down to the end of the page to Save Configurations and that's it!
2. To correct your text, go back to the management page (where they list all your blogs) and click on Posts (on the right). That would take you back to all the posts you've written so far on that blog. Select the post you want to edit (you'll be taken back to the editing page), make the changes and click on Publish.
# 558
Please, take a look at my updated blog and give me your helpful feedback.
Warm hugs from warm Egypt.

Sorry, Lilian,
I gave you all the explanation as if you were a blogger user to insert Feevy...http://www.feevy.com/
I just realized that you are in Edublogs. And Wow! What a makeover in just one day! You blog layout is great and you've been really investing in topics that intrigue, that lead to open dialogues. I'd say you're a born blogger! http://lolitablog.edublogs.org/
To learn how to insert a widget in Edublogs (which is the topic of week 5!), take a look at
-- Carla Arena
# 562
I am Andreea Pele from Timisoara, Romania, and this is my blog address.
# 564
This is my first blog!
I finally have one. Wow!
Although the link refers to «star213», the real name is 'StArt 1, 2, 3...' The name start123 wasn't available so don't think it's a typing mistake.
I've decided to name it StArt first of all because I'm starting and secondly because this word carries Art in it! I know, not that creative but I'm just 'starting' to know these tools!!! The blog will be dedicated mostly to art related topics (there are many arts and artists out there). It?s a conversation point mainly, where anyone can start a topic related to hi s/her art in particular and it's also a place where, hopefully, we can share ideas and points of view on a particular art... I'm still managing it so it's a bit empty. But come on in! Welcome!
# 565
Dear Lilian,
You've done an amazing job with your blog. Congratulations! The soothing blue background and the picture you've added just make it an inviting spot for reflection.
Your links look just fine. I have a similar list of my favorite sites in my blog. During week 4 we'll be concentrating on blog content and template design and we'll deal with widgets in more detail.
Enjoy your first days and make yourself at home in the blogosphere!
Carla Raguseo

# 567
Dear bloggers,
Thank you very much for your help. First of all to you Liliana, because you were the first,who tried to help me. I have a lot of work at school, in the evenings I can only read daily messages in brief.
But on weekends I can post some answers. Perhaps I'm making a mistake again. I want to present you my new blog: www.komi-tn.blogspot.com I wanted to organize a new blog for collaborative work of our school with partner schools on a particular suject, so that schools can send their research work on the blog address.Hope you'll like it.
# 568
Dear Elsa,
I love the rationale behind your blog name. As you can see it is not a simple name at all since it suggests lots of different paths and discussions.And I don't think it's empty, either... It's full of inviting ideas and it will be soon full of friendly comments that will help you get the content rolling.
A new star was born in the blogosphere!
# 569
Hi Tatiana!
Thanks for sharing your new blog with us! The "Hello" post looks really nice with the glitter graphic for your name. I agree it adds a friendly and optimistic atmosphere to your blog. It only surprised me a bit to find it at the top since, as we know, posts are published in "reverse chronological order" so we are always likely to find the first or "Welcome post" at the bottom as we add more content to it.
I like your idea of using your blog for a collaborative project since blogs are ideal tools to engage in conversations with people from other countries. You've planned to use a variety of topics for discussion between your class and the partner schools. I'm sure it will be very motivating for learners to read about the climate, food and customs of other countries. It think you could add some pictures to the posts to help students come up with ideas and also make them a bit more conversational so that they don't feel they are just completing an assignment. What do you think?
Carla Raguseo

# 570
Dear Angela,
... I thought over the title of my blog for several days and then decided: if this blog is for the work of people of different countries I would call it "Komi"- this is a place in the north od Russia where I live. The flowers above I made on Glitter graphics site. You can enter it just under the flowers.

# 578
Done it: my very first blogg! I think it's still a bit uncomplete...but...I'm just getting started. Feel free to visit and leave your comments
url: http://englishmothertongue.blogspot.com/
# 579-580
I've just visited your blog. I like your template and the topic a lot! I wanted to post a comment but didn't find how.
I proudly invite you to visit my first attempt at http://reflectingonweb20.blogspot.com/. Hope you like the topic and join me in the dicovery of solutions. I know it is somewhat incomplete, so feel free to make any comment not only on the topic but also on how you like the blog. Every suggestion is welcome.
# 587
I have waited for some time to tell of my blogs because we had just started our second term. I have opened a blog for each of the three classes I want to use to experiment and learn with on using online methods in teaching English.
I have http://austen-advanced.blogspot.com for my adult class of general English.
There is also http://austen-youth.blogspot.com for my Youth class (13-18).
Finally, there's http://elc-austen.blogspot.com for my Business English class which I'm yet to introduce to my students.
Please, guys, come-see and tell me what you think. I suppose there isn't any traffic yet as I've introduced them. Teach me how to motivate them to visit.
# 590
... since we're all getting to know each other, i thought about posting a blog on some issues ESL teachers face in romania, as well as some additional info on the university system in romania. http://squarepeg05.blogspot.com/
... sorry the page is still in romanian, i've changed it on the dashboard but for some arcane, and frankly annoying reason, it refuses to budge on the page y'all see.

# 601-602
Dear Vicky and Jane,
I've just visited B4E's Art Gallery and I am simply amazed at your beautiful work. These are the unexpected surprises that make our
session unique and limitless. I'll try to think of ways to carry out an online exhibition as Carla A suggested. Maybe during our graduation party at WiZiQ you could show us some of your paintings and take us on a mini Art Tour. What do you think?
Carla Raguseo
# 604
My master's project involved collaborative writing online, and for that I had six advanced level students working with blogs and wikis
to write film reviews in collaboration. They have now published the final versions of their articles so I would like to invite you all
to visit our blog and read their reviews. If you would like to, you could also leave a comment on some of them - I'm sure my students
will be thrilled!
The links to their reviews can be found here: http://manyreviews.blogspot.com/
The list of films reviewed is on the sidebar on the right. The common background theme for all the articles is 'adapting novels to
the big screen'. I hope you enjoy their work!

# 614
Dear Austen,
I visited the blog you created for the young learners. I think the discussion about the video is a good topic to start with, because most students like music. I think there is something affecting the wellcome message. You said that students will have problems or do you
mean won´t have problems ? Have a look at it.
I am also new with blogging and my target students to start with are also students between 12 and 14 years old. There is people with a lot of experience in this group, so I am sure we are going to learn a lot.

# 618
ou are invited to visit my blog 'Beyond the English Classroom Walls' and post your comments.
I just sent invitations to my students, so there are no posts yet, only mine. Very anxious, indeed. I wonder how they will respond.
Your suggestions are welcome.
I'll keep on working, especially on links, tags and feeds which I don't manage very well yet. Step by step, no matter if it is a turtle step.

# 619
It took longer than I expected, but finally I published my own blog. I hope to see your comments there, as I will make more posts later this weekend. http://celebrationsallaround.blogspot.com/
Ana Maria, from Brazil
I'd like to thank all of you for your help along this adventure. I've learned a lot especially through the emails in the group. I think I did it! This is the address of my first blog: http://brainenrichment.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to your comments and suggestions!
# 633
After a very busy week i finally managed do get a blog ready for action..So here's the URL to my blog: http://aniwebbies.edublogs.org
<http://aniwebbies.edublogs.org> .
I've had this project for a long time now, but lacked courage and iniciative to g through with it. Now, as I read through everyone's posts and peek at your blogs, i suddenly feel more confident.
I want to take my esl classes a little further, out of the classroom and into the children's homes. I'd like my kids to have a more lasting and memorable impression of their learning experience, and i think this is a wonderful way to make it happen. Just not quite sure of how i'm going to do it.
Anyway, i'd just like to say that despite my lack of time during the week and my 'virtual silence', i look forward for every new task and i eagerly read every single contribution. so, thank you all.
Ana Cotter

# 635
I've just managed to accomplish this week's task3 and 4 [:D]
My new blogs address is http://pen08.edublogs.org
Hope you hop by!
Pat Soares

# 640
Dear friends. I din´t find the way to add it to the wiki. http://laidarragada.blogspot.com/

# 641
... we as asking all participants to post their links to a folder inside our yahoo group links:
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