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Week 2
Threads for Week 1
(Messages #0-#410)
Visit our Delicious for all the links mentioned during Week One.
New Year Greeting from the Special Collaborator
Message |

Dennis Oliver
# 3
Happy 2008!
May 2008 be filled with successes, challenges, a committment to making time for reflection, the incredible joy of BEING, new and deeper riendships, unending pportunities for learning, at least one random act of kindness per day, and the courage to go beyond our individual and cultural comfort zones!
Here's my New Year's gift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdzGBDt_EzQ
Best to all!
Dennis in Phoenix
Week One: Welcome Messages from the Blogging Team

Carla Arena
# 86
Dear avid bloggers-to-be and bloggers,
How are you all? Eager to start our blogging journey? Mon, Jan 14 has already started in some parts of the world, like, for example, for Mary Hillis, who has already given her warm welcome to you, and so it's time for "Blogging4Educators" to get down to action!
We, the Blogging Team (Carla A., Carla R., Erika, Claudia, Gladys, Cris, Ana Maria, Nina, Mary and Vance), have been working hard to meet your expectations and needs. We are committed to making the next six weeks a worthwhile experience for each of the 130 educators who've already chosen us. Thanks to those who joined us because they'd enjoyed learning with us before, and also thanks to those who joined us in spite of not knowing anything about us! We're thrilled to see every continent in the planet represented here.
This week's aims are: To get familiar with the moderators and other participants and the online environments to be used, as well as start the discussion on blogging. Read our Syllabus for a more detailed description.
Where do you get started?
Visit our Weekly Tasks 1 to find out what to do. Surely you'll have questions as you try the different tasks... just send a message to this group! And don't worry if there happens to be too many messages posted and you cannot keep pace: by the end of the week, a summary will be published at our wiki! Thanks to Nina for taking up this duty for week 1. Please, don't forget to check the "Surviving the First Days Tips ".
Finally, make sure to check out the times for synchronous communication and see if you can join us to say hello! Tomorrow/today for some (Jan 14th), Carla Arena will be online (skype ID: carlaarena) if you have any questions to get started with week 1. Office hours from 16 GMT to 7 GMT. Not sure what GMT is? Check your local time here
By the way, congrats to those who managed to make it earlier today at EVO Grand Opening! Some participants we saw around: Pat, Maria, Liliana, PuneetAstro, Mônica, José Antônio, among others! The session was really crowded.The chat log and recording are already available so that you can all enjoy it even if you missed it.
So... welcome to every new blogger and more experienced ones. We're ready and eager to start!
Warm Regards from Key West,
On behalf of The Blogging Team
NOTE: As you must have seen in the messages you got when you joined this group, we'll be using this Yahoo! group to interact, and we have a wiki for reference materials.
All the extra resources and tasks will be available at http://www.pageflakes.com/Blogging4Educators. This is where you access to go a bit beyond, that extra mile!
This year we'll be hosting our discussions in two different blogs so that you have an idea of some of the blogging platforms available and participants from last year's blogging4beginners might want to try out a different platform. We will be interacting in
Blogger and Edublogs.

Claudia Bellusci
# 67
Hello bloggers and bloggers-to-be!
It’s a pleasure to introduce myself to this already active bunch of participants and to greet a few familiar faces. The fact that some of you have chosen to join us for the second time shows that we did a decent job last year, doesn’t it? And this fills me with joy and pride.
To those of you who are here for the first time, I’m Claudia, from La Plata, a city near Buenos Aires in Argentina. I co-moderated Blogging for Beginners last year together with Gladys, Erika and Carla Arena.
This year you’ll notice that I won’t be so visible as last, because I don’t have an Internet connection at home for the time being. So I will be popping up now and then, but I’ll be reading everything offline and following the discussions. Anyway you can count on me if you need help, though I won’t be online most of the time. You can find all the moderators IDs in the group’s database
Hope to meet more of you in the days to come. Let’s learn and build bridges
of friendship together!
The Blogging Team

Mary Hillis
# 83
It is great to see so many old friends here at Blogging 4 Educators! Welcome Berta, Jose Antonio, Dorinda, and Beyza. Also, it is wonderful to meet so many new bloggers here this year. A big, warm welcome to Consuelo, Lilian, Sara, Elsa, Alfia, LP, Gina, Michael, and everyone! Thanks to all of you for introducing yourselves and diving right into our EVO session materials!
Can't wait to learn more about your classes and how you hope to use blogs. I am really looking forward to exploring educational blogging with all of you over the next 6 weeks; we will certainly learn a lot from each other. It seems as though many participants have a bit of experience with blogging already, but desire to re-gain momentum and/or learn some new ways to make blogging a more engaging and collaborative part of your classroom experience. However, even if you have never blogged before, don't feel that you are behind!
Everyone is welcome to learn and share here, and we'll do our best to support you throughout the process!
So, let's keep going! You can find the tasks for Week One on our wiki
The Blogging Team

Carla Ragueso
# 90
Happy EVO 2008 everybody and welcome to Blogging4Educators once again!!
I'm Carla Raguseo from Rosario, Argentina, one of the members of the Blogging Team.
It's a pleasure to see so many colleagues from different cultures, nationalities and educational settings eager to share their experiences, achievements and concerns about the integration of technology in education.
Blogs are part of a new set of tools that allow us to connect to each other and to collaborate online and can have fantastic applications in the language classroom. Let's explore their potential together!
After reading all your introductions, I see we all share the desire to motivate our students and to encourage them to go further, to experience the language through authentic interaction and meaningful communication. Of course blogs alone can't do that, but through reflective practice and creative experimentation, we'll be able to use blogs as flexible tools to foster communication and collaborative learning in our classes.
As regards the aspects that cause most anxiety among educators, some of you have mentioned the fact that our students seem to be more knowledgeable or tech savvy than we are. I think that while it is a fact that our younger students are digital natives i.e. they were born with these technologies, they generally use them for different purposes, so we are offering them a new perspective. Besides, letting students help us and show their "expertise" can actually be an advantage and a way to involve them as active contributors to the class. Students always appreciate it when they see their teachers are striving to meet their needs and interests.
Luckily, blogs are very user-friendly and throughout the session we'll learn some tricks to make the most of them in our language classes.
We invite you to keep sharing your views and experiences on our Blogging4Educators blog <http://blog4educators.blogspot.com/> .
Let's start blogging then!
The Blogging Team

Cristina Costa
# 94
I am Cristina - a Portuguese living in the UK, where I am currently working. I work with academic staff, helping them to develop learning strategies with the help of the web. Blogging is definitelly one of teh approaches we are using.
I am really excited about being part of this workshop as a co-moderators. I must say I am very prud to be part of such a great group and be able to co-moderate with such wonderful and intelligent moderators. I will learn a lot from them and from you. I hope I will be able to contribute with some useful ideas.
Like Carla said "Let's start blogging then" :-)
Enjoy the workshop, and anything just give us a shout. We are here to help you and to learn from you too.
Cristina Costa
The Blogging Team

Erika Cruvinel
# 105
Hello to all B4E participants!
My name is Erika Cruvinel and I am one of the moderators for this session. It is a pleasure to be part of this fabulous group!
I'm an EFL teacher at a Binational Center in Brasília, Brazil. Our school has about 11.000 brazilian students who come to classes twice a week just to learn English. I've been exploring the use of blogs in teaching for two years and all I know about online tools I learned from other educators online. That's why I really encourage you to take risks, be curious and ask questions whenever you feel lost.
You have come to the right place for learning, sharing, discovering and building relationships!
Wishing you all a great time!
Erika Cruvinel,
The Blogging Team

Gladys Baya
# 130
Gladys says: welcome everyone!
Well, this is it! 6 months trying to get ready for this and the next 5 weeks, and we have already taken off!
Let me introduce myself: I'm called Gladys Baya, born and living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Yes, I'm a member of the Blogging Team, and was also co-moderating Blogging For Beginners last year (and Becoming a Webhead before that!). Because I find EVO addictive, and have many other duties, plus two daughters on holiday right now, I'll try to limit my posting here... I'm terrible at keeping posts short, so wish me good luck!
I've just come back from my yearly vacation, and it was great to read so many intros... I've counted 23 countries (in alphabetical order: Africa (South?), Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Moldovia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA,Venezuela),and was overjoyed to "meet" see many familiar names... A special hug to Dennis, Daniela, Dorinda, Berta, Beyza, Evelyn and Jose Antonio! Apologies if I'm overlooking any names (I'm of course "ignoring" my partners in the Blogging Team!).
Though all my partners have already said this, let me repeat it once again: thanks to all our members for joining in, those who are already posting and those who will just lurk, those who have extensive experience in blogging and Web 2.0 and those who are not even sure of how to reply to a message... Whatever happens, remember it takes all sorts of people to make the cyber-world go round, and your contribution is unique! Just don't keep doubts to yourselves, or answers either for that matter. Share what you know and what you don't know, don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do (that's a quote, but I can't remember where I got it from! :-P), and we will all find ourselves enriched and wiser by the end of Feb!
PS: you can read more about me and the other session moderators at
http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/moderators, remember?

Vance Stevens
# 145
Hello everyone!
Vance here. I spent a pleasant day in Curitiba on a trip to Brazil some years back, traveling by train. I'll be joining you more in Week 3. That's when we'll start getting into what I think we should DO with blogs.
If you want a hint about what we'll be talking about, go to Google, and search on 'writingmatrix'
Don't want to be premature in discussing this (it's the topic in week 3) but here I saw your message with the question, what do we DO with blogs?
It's a question we'll address in more detail in Week 3.
Meanwhile, in preparation for that, we'll be suggesting that you start as soon as possible TAGGING your posts. Tagging has a lot to do with what you can DO with blogs. When we talk about tags, pay attention :-)
The Blogging Team

Ana Maria Menezes
# 174
Hello everyone in B4ED,
I´m back from a trip to Argentina and ready to get to work. I´m Ana Maria from Brazil and am one of your co-moderators (at least I´m supposed to be hahahaha). I´ve just got home and have been catching up with the e-mails. Welcome to the session.
The Blogging Team

Nina Lyulkun
# 192
Hello all the participants of Blogging4Educators session!
Welcome to the group!
It is a belated introduction from one more co-moderator of this group. I'm Nina Lyulkun, come from Ukraine, teach English for students majoring mostly in economics, finance, management etc. I am happy to realize that more educators from Ukraine have joined B4Ed session this time: my colleagues from the uni - Lena Sydorenko, Nina Ruda, from Lviv - Natalia Perun (aka Kitsera if I am not mistaken?).
Last year, I was a participant of B4B like many of you for the first time. I learned a lot during the session and after it during the year. It was a great time of learning and growing in CALL and in using web_2. tools for blended learning/teaching. Blogging is an amazing tool which is helpful in teaching, improving reading, writing, communicative skills, and moreover is a motivating tool for students and learners.
Now, Carla R. and I are responsible for compiling your introductions at the Participants' page at our wiki We'll be very grateful to everyone if you can invest your precious time to check your details (wording and pictures) for being sure that all the information is relevant and if I haven't made more mistakes. ;-) It might happen that I mixed info or country you come from. Feel free to point that out here. We're always here to make any changes.
The best of luck to everyone and happy journey around blogging.
With warmest regards,
The Blogging Team
P.S. I am very happy to see many familiar faces here from the B4B, LwC, and EVO sessions. I won't name all of them, 'cos there are so many of you. My best wishes to you all.
Back to the top
The First Live Session at WiZiQ
Carla Arena
# 281
*Thursday*, *January 17 * *22:00 *to *23:00
*GM <http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=1&day=17&year=2008&hour=22&min=0&sec=0&p1=0>
At WiziQ
Access the session here
- Make sure you sign up in WiziQ.
- In the Teacher Search box (top right of your screen), type "carla arena" and add her to your network.
- Use headsets/earphones during the session to minimize sound glitches.
- Check our WiZiQTutorial
Skype Contact ID: *carlaarena*
The Blogging Team is aware that for many of you it's the first time in a live session. But don't be afraid! We'll be there for you. If you don't know what to do or how to access WiziQ, skype carlaarena or carla.raguseo to get help. It will be a very informal gathering to be in touch with you and to know how the session is going for you so far, to talk about session expectations and to answer any questions you might have.
We hope to see you all tonight!
Don't forget to check our tutorial.
See you soon.
Carla Raguseo
# 282
... all the information about WiZiQ session on the wiki. Please, check out the following links:
Week 1 , Live Sessions Week 1 WiZiQ Tutorial
This is the link to access the session:

# 316
Dear all, I truly enjoyed the session today. I could not attend but went to the recording and loved listening to the presentation by Carla, watching you play with the white board, seeing the huge photos come up and then be resized, listening to your voices and matching them with photos I have seen for quite some time ... Carla, Erika, Claudia in red, Ana Maria, Carla from Argentina but could not get who the lady in lila was, lol. Some comments and jokes were hilarious and I felt Venezuela was very well represented by Evelyn and regret Horacio could not make it this time. Mike, you came at the messiest time, ha, ha and Patricia, don?t worry, this community is very special and will show you all the way, step by step, helping you and nurturing you for many more weeks ahead.
What a great team, girls!!! It was a wonderful synchronous session and it showed you have planned and prepared every detail of this fantastic EVO session. Let?s blog !!!
Reply to querry: It was Nina Lyulkun in lila ;-)

Carla Raguseo
# 317
The way to get to the WiZiQ session is by clicking on the link that is provided on the Wiki:
Have a look at Week 1 - synchronous sessions
Right in the schedule for the WiZiQ session you'll see it says: Access the session here You'll immediately be able to access the session by clicking on thatlink . Right now you'll find the recording there. You can watch andlisten to the whole session. There's a great tour Carla A. prepared to show you all the tools available.
Next time, just make sure to access future sessions from the link on the corresponding wiki page. We'll post more details soon. Enjoy the recording and let us know if you have further questions.

Carla Raguseo
# 319
Dear all,
We had a fantastic synchronous session today at WiZiQ in which we shared our expectations and experiences in the workshop so far.
Carla A. gave a brief and clear presentation of the different environments and tools available for our session and we discussed some tips that can help us cope with the technical difficulties and anxietyof the first days.
Don't worry if you coudn't make it today. You can access the recording by clicking on the access link to the session on week 1 on our Wiki
I'm sure you'll find lots of useful information there.

Mary Hillis
# 333
Dear Berta,
It is too bad that you couldn't join us live for the session, but I'm so glad that you could enjoy the recording. Other Blogging4Educators members have also mentioned that they missed the session for various reasons, but they will notice from your message, listening to the recording is almost like "being there"!
We did have a wonderful time, and it always amazes me to enter a synchronous meeting with participants from so many different countries; today we had US, Argentina, Brazil, UK, Japan, Venezuela, and several others that I'm sure I've forgotten to mention.
As Elsa said during the session, she didn't realize it was possible to connect with others like that via the net. We were all listening, chatting, drawing, sharing photos and laughs, and learning so much about the tools used in this session at the same time!
Anyway, it is only week one of our session, so there will be plenty more opportunities to interact, and I'm looking forward to it very much!
# 341
you can access last night's recording here:
The click on the url; that will take you to the WIZIQ page. There, click on 'view recording'.
# 343
Hello blogging team and all bloggers,
I've just watched the recording of yesterday live session. It's amazing. I really liked the presentation Carla gave. I now know where to do what. I was very much confused before with all these tools and media of communication.
Thank you, Carla. You made things quite easy for me, and I'm positive for other participants.
I also enjoyed the friendly, casual atmosphere and all the mess after the presentation. I'll do my best to be there next time.
A big thank you for all the efforts everybody is putting in this lovely workshop.

# 348
it is really great you are enjoying it that much. Carla is a really pro on Wiziq and a great presenter. I have learned loads from her as well as from the other co-moderators. Isn't it great when we are able to freely talk with and get inspired from just brilliant minds.
Just wait for the forthcoming activities. You will even found your participation here more meaningful because there will be loads of opportunities to really engage hands on and share with others about what you know and what you want to know - and that is learning (together) too!
Carla Arena
... you could check by yourself in the recording. http://tiny.cc/wiziQsession
I'd like to thank everyone who could make it and be there with us. We certainly had a wonderful first live multi-cultural gathering, but there will be other opportunities for the ones who couldn't be there with us.
I promised a tutorial for our online bookmarks, and soon I'll make it available.
Evelyn, I know you still have some questions. We can keep discussing strategies for your group. Keep asking!
Thanks for the great time we had together!
Lots still to come.
Holly Dilatush
# 383
Hello everyone,
I've just visited the WiziQ session -- and listened and viewed the entire hour -- and am "delightfully and thoroughly awed" and MUST learn to feel comfortable enough to try this tool!!! Is there anyone out there that might be able to join me Wednesday morning Jan. 23, EST (Eastern Standard Time)/ GMT -5) at 11 a.m. [this link will allow you to convert to your time and play?
I've scheduled that as a play hour for myself and would love to have anyone join in... open invitation! NO GUARANTEES as to success, but will try! Hope someone will/can join me (I realize it may be a highly inconvenient time for many).
And last, but most important to this post -- please please please, all moderators and all participants -- visit and enjoy the link below to view the Thank You!!! card I've ordered for you. (from Holly in Charlottesville, VA USA)
Alternatively, please visit http://www.jacquielawson.com and select the Pick Up Card option in the menu. Then enter your card code, which is:
Note from the Blogging Team: Check out our Greeting Blog

Carla Arena
# 385
Thanks for taking your time, as many others, to listen to us. It was a great time together and we'll have many more chances to live gatherings. WiziQ is really exciting due to the fact that it is free, user-friendly and there's no need to download anything to use it. I tested just before this session started. In fact, we tested many times and then I decided to use with my online class of low-tech highly anxious adult students. Complete success. They were in awe, too!
I'm not sure if I can be around on Wednesday, but I'll try hard! I could help you with very simple tricks that work marvels in WiziQ.
I must say I just LOVED your lovely card. That's why this experience is so rewarding for all of us, the fact that we can make little differences to educators of many.
Thanks for being so kind and generous with us.
Back to the top
SURVEY: How much do you already know about blogs?
Here we share the results of the survey we invited you all to try as part of the tasks for week 1.
Participants' Experiences in Blogging
Hoda kain
# 4
I have been teaching since 1994. integrating technology into school subjects is one of my goals. That's why I enrolled in this workshop.
# 6
... blogging is new for me so hopefully I'll learn how to incorporate that, too.
# 8
I'm a "veteran" teacher who loves technology but also new to blogging.

# 9
... The activity my students enjoyed most of all was creating and using an ESL class blog. Check this out and tell us what you think:
# 10
... Now, at least, I know what they're about (or just trying!! to know) I think technology is a never ending journey and I'm sure our teachers will help us move a step froward in this incredicble worl.
# 11
... I have a few students and groups I communicate with regularly through blogs, and could always use to improve in the technology area ;)
# 14
...I'm interested in learning more about blogs. I have a blog with my 7 grade students, and I want to know how I can use it in a better way. ...
# 15
... some of my students have presented projects that involve the use of blog to enhance learning...

Carla Arena
# 16
Welcome to Blogging4Educators. I'm sure from Jan 14th. on we'll have a lot to learn and share with you as this group has a wide international diversity. It will certainly be an extremely rich blogging experience for all of us.
The Blogging Team is fleshing out the last details for our grand opening. In the meantime, you can explore our wiki and take a look at Task 1. http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/Week1#Task1GettingStartedwithYahoogroups

Dennis in Phoenix.
# 17
I think this will be a dynamic seminar full of many things to think about, react to, clarify, challenge, and learn from. I think we will also expand both our technical skills and our personal networks. I'm excited about this seminar and hope all of you are, too!
Lucia Rivas
# 18
...Last year I participated of "blogging for begginers" and I managed to learn quite a lot, though I couldn't devote much time to it and I was kind of a "lurker". Here I come again. I hope to be able to make the most of it.

# 19
...I have also tried to keep up a blog on LiveJournal, but I have not been entirely successful because I never have enough time.

Carla Raguseo
# 21
Welcome to Blogging 4 Educators!
Stay tuned to start enjoying this experience on January 14! You can check out Task 1 to familiarize yourselves with our Yahoo Group and with the other participants. Week1 - Task1 - GettingStartedwithYahoogroups <http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/Week1#Task1GettingStartedwithYahoogroups>

# 22
I'm very interested in blogging. I wrote a mini literature review on the use of blogs in teaching writing in one of the MA courses. I need to explore the potentials of blogs in education to know how I can utilize them in my different classes.
# 24
I really want to create my personal blog for educational purposes. I hope we share ideas and lots of things during these six weeks.
# 26
This is my second EVO session with this fabulous Blogging Team; last year's was such an enriching experience - both professionally and personally - that I wanted to come back for more! I now keep two blogs: one where I post activities, links etc. and where my students also post some of their own work. The other, about cinema, is part of my master's project.
If you would like to visit them, here are the addresses: http://projectplatypus2.blogspot.com and http://manyreviews.blogspot.com

# 27
Hello, everybody! I have created a webquest for my ESL studenst who were not familiar with the concept of blogging. It requires them to go over the most popular entertainment and education blogs, create their own top 10 Best ESL Blogs and then create their own and share them with the rest of the world. Have a look at that and tell me what you think. Also, I would be grateful if you suggested other ESL Webquests I can use with my ESL students. http://zunal.com/webquest.php?user=4636
# 32-33
... My students have started blogging and I want to learn more about how to keep them motivated to go on.
... Daniela, What a great idea you had for your webquest! I'm also a webquest fan and I know it is hard work to create a good webquest.

# 34
Here's the link to the BBC learn English blog.
# 35
... I'm quite new to blogging, so I'm very excited about it, especially when we can share our questions and discoveries with so many people from all over the world!
Salaheddine BELAASSAL
# 36
... I'm currently trying to introduce my students to the use of blogs, wikis and podcasts. I need more training on the use of e-tools. I'm glad to join this goup.

Mary Hillis
# 39 Re: Webquests for ESL - Creating a Blog
Dear Daniela,
Welcome to our session, and thanks for sharing your webquest about blogs with us. During EVO sessions, we hope that everyone will get in the spirit of sharing not only resources and experiences, but also questions and doubts!
We've added your link to our Pageflakes (we're using Pageflakes for optional/supplementary materials) at our Week Five Pageflakes
# 40 Welcome
I would like to welcome you to our session! Everyone is eagerly awaiting January 14, so we can get started; I hope you will be able to attend the EVO Kick-off Event too. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with our session tools and introductory tasks.
As the session progresses, I will be looking forward to learning about how you plan to incorporate blogging into your teaching contexts. There are so many interesting projects that you can do with a blog, and I can't wait to learn and share with you!
Patricia Soares
# 43
... my students and I created a blog (www.abcgo.wordpress.com) where pictures of the work done in English classes are posted. The feedback has been positive and I feel it's time to move forward! After all blogging isn't just posting pictures.

Carla Arena
# 44
Dear Pat, We from the Blogging Team have the same feeling! It's hard to hold back until the grand day! Everybody is totally involved in trying to create an environment which is comfortable and welcoming to all the participants of the Blogging4Educators.
I loved to see your blog and hope you can go even further with it. I'm sure you will all have interesting insights for your blogging ventures.
Eagerly waiting for our Kick-Off on the 13th and our grand opening on the 14th!
Jose Antonio da Silva
# 45
I am a great fan of blogs, especially wordpress and edublogs and would like to learn more about them and share what I know.
# 46
I want to find out as much as possible about blogging as I can to start doing it with my young learners!
Edita saluzzo
# 47
I have created blogs, but as all of you I want to expand, reflect and deeply take advantage of this new tool.
Sara Costa
# 48
I have had some exposure to blogs but have not actually used them in my ESL class. My intent in taking this blogging session is to make my classes more attractive and interactive for my kids.
Yaung Chi Oo
# 49
I have no experience of blogging, I am eager to learn it.

Consuelo Cedano Pineda
# 50, 71
... I am also interested in making my classes more attractive and interactive ...
... I have always been a little afraid of technology and as you said, students know more than me and are very good at sing technology, that is why I decided to start learning about it. It is a challenge for me...

Patricia Wierna
# 57
...I'm thrilled with the idea of learning about blogs, but to tell you the truth I'm completely illiterate about it, so you will have to be very, very patient with me. I hope to learn a lot not only for me but also to introduce my team ...
# 59
I have used blogs a few times with students in class and am looking forward to learning many new ways to use them hile working inthis group.

# 72
... I would like to know how create a blog since I'd like to show my student's works. ... However, I really don't know how to create a blog or even what a wiki is, ...
Alfia Mironova
# 74
I want to start blogging with the 13 and 14 year olds. I'd like to do cooperative projects. In my opinion cultural exchange can give much to its participants. This is my third year with EVO.
Dorinda Contreras
# 76
... I have been using blogging since 2006. ... I have, however, used blogging in the form of a discussion board on blackboard in my Spanish and Composition classes with much success...
# 77
I was a member of Blogging for Beginners and Tips and Tricks groups in EVO 2007 and I learned lots of useful things from them. ... I'd like to expand my knowledge in blogs and wikis and language learning and come up with practical ideas .
# 78
... I am in the process of trying to intregrate blogs into some subject areas... |
Gina Webster
# 79
... My experience with blogging is limited to reading the really interesting stuff that OTHER people have written, but I'm curious to learn more. A co-teacher and I started a blog last year that fell into dis-use and I'm eager to try it again.

Michael Shade
# 80
...This year I have attempted to use blogs to encourage students to post short pieces of written work, arising from their normal classwork and homework. The writing has been optional and not assessed...

Evelyn Izquierdo
# 84
... I love online classes and exploring ICT tools. It is exciting to see how my students enjoy learning the language while they develop their tech skills...

# 85
... I have never had a blog of my own or used one with my students...

Bob Palmer
# 91
I have been using blogs in my classes for the past two years but feel they have much greater potential than I'm aware of. That's why I joined this session -- to learn from others who are using blogs more creatively and effectively to motivate their students and enhance learning. Along the way, if I can share anything useful to others it would be doubly rewarding.

Nataliya Perun
# 93
It was here I heard the words BLOG and WIKI for the first time! So I'm a newbie both in blogging and EVO:) I would like to start blogging with my university students upon my return to Ukraine.

Cristina Costa
# 95, 96
...You must have a lot to share with us, since you have already used blogs before. Blogs are a very fertile strategy to use with students in their learning... I have created a blog about my British Experience so that my friends keep track of me and I am able to register the best moments...

Cristina Costa
# 98 - 99
... - I checked the blog and I'm a bit confused about where to answer the questions you have there: on the blog? or here via YG mail?
... - I guess you can type your comments and reflections in the comment area of the blog post as some of the participants have already done.

Lilian &

# 100-101
- Lilian Q: Hi Bob, You seem to have quite good experience with blogs. How have you used blogs in your teaching so far?
- Bob A: For some classes, I use a blog as a running course syllabus which I update each week. The blog contains the day's schedule, links to activities or resources I've prepared, and messages or instructions to students. I also have students create and maintain their own individual blogs and I link to them from the master course blog. Because student work is archived chronologically, blogs can be a big help in evaluating student effort throughout a course.
If you'd like to have a look, there are some sample blogs accessible from the left menu of my teaching portal at <http://eltportal.com>. Last year, I used much more clip art to decorate blog posts but as this is time consuming I let it slide this year. Not very visually appealing, I know!
- Lilian A: I've explored, theoretically, the potentials of blogs for writing classes in a mini lit rev before. I'm curious how other teachers in different disciplines, and teaching different language skills manipulate the tool for their classes. I agree that the chronological order of posts is a plus specially if you're using portfolio assessment.

# 103
I don't have a blog and I don't know how to create one (I don't even know what a wiki is). Anyway, I truly hope you have patience with me and I promise I'll learn all you have to teach.
I'd really like to create a blog to show my students' works and to have them participate in it too!
Nina Ruda
# 113
...These will be my first steps in blogging learning and I hope to get the best of it.

Carla Raguseo
# 116
...I think blogging can have great applications in Business English. Many companies are also using blogs to enhance transparency and communication among their staff and also with customers.

Evelyn Izquierdo
# 120
I'm not a technogeek now but I've incorporated many Web tools into my classes (wikis, eportfolios, websites, Yahoo groups, Moodle, Springdoo, PPT, Thinkfree, etc) and I have also promoted their use among my colleagues. In fact, last year, I was named a member of the Distance Education Committee.
... the only tool I haven't been able to use is a blog. It has become a complete issue to me. I've seen many beautiful blogs, most of them written in English; and always think on how I could introduce this wonderful tool to my students. They have very low writing skills in English. They even have low writing skills in Spanish, their native language.
Azam Abedi
# 121
I also have two weblogs. I have written two papers about the role of blogging in EFL classes. My major aim of joining this workshop is to learn more aout blogs.
Monica Veado
# 126
...I first joined EVO sessions last year, and let me tell you it's quite addictive! This year I'm also moderating a week with the Webheads community, ...
JoAnn (aka Jotex)
# 127
My current students, teachers, are rather reluctant to get into blogging because the last thing they want after teaching all day is to sit in front of their computer and blog. Still, I hope to learn enough to entice and convince them that not only can they benefit, but use the tool of blogging with their own classes.
Camila Sousa
# 132
I am also a member of the group LWC - Learning With Computers where I?ve been learning a lot with everyone about the tools to enhance my classes and teaching practice.
Alfia, I do want to do cooperative projects. This is my first year in EVO so I think you can help me a lot here :-)

# 133
I want to create my own educational blog to help and give more support to my student through activities and communication outside the classroom.
Maria Irribarem Soares
# 135
...I tried to create a blog last year to reach my students at home, to help them and to add some technology to my classes, but I got completely lost. I gave up, but I want to try it again. I often read blogs about how to make stuff (I like doing crafts), and I think blogging is fantastic. I think I will need some help from the group, as this is my first time in this kind of activity,...
Velma Costa
# 137
It's my 1st time on an online course, let alone working on bloggs...don't know how to create one, don't know what's wiki...I'm a complete virgin on these topics.
Jacqueline Benevento
# 142
I am very new at blogging.

Hoda kain
# 143
I have a novice experience with blogging. I am really interested in integrating technologyu into school subjects.

# 145
Meanwhile, in preparation for that, we'll be suggesting that you start as soon as possible TAGGING your posts. Tagging has a lot to do with what you can DO with blogs. When we talk about tags, pay attention :-)
Yvonne Caples
# 147
I have tried blogging for the last couple of years including having my students blog, but this year I hope to take it to the next level and really use blogging to it's full extent and use it consistently.
Holly Dilatush
# 149
I've a relatively new blog: http://www.tales-around-the-world.blogspot.com that I hope to IMPROVE via the wonderful help from this group!
I have used "elementary" blogs (text and photos) before, primarily to share my adventures 2004/2005 when I spent a year teaching in Korea.
However, I've NOT been successful in using them with students -- and also hope to find ideas here. It's quite interesting to me that I have managed to engage students using Moodles (http://www.abavirtual-learningcenter.org) but not with wikis or blogs. I find I much prefer threaded and searchable discussion forums (so far) than I do blog posts.

Gabriela Grosseck
# 152
... I have a blog and use some web 2.0 tools (such as wikis, social bookmarking, social networking or media-sharing) but I didn't try to blog with my students. So, it is my first time here in EVO sessions...
# 158
I'm familiar with blogs and would like to explore integrating them into our classwork.

Carlos Leonis
# 168
I'm looking forward to learning more about blogs, well, I already know how to create one, but I have to confess that it's not so familiar to me, besides there are some vocabulary that I don't understand yet.

# 170
There are two lists of participant countries. One is the map Attendr and the other one is in the Database section of our YG.
Eleni Argyriou
# 173
I am interested in the use of technology in the EFL classroom and looking forward to see how blogging can make a difference.

Yulia Chuvasheva
# 177
I'm the first time at EVO and I've also joined BAW08 (hope to cope). I've got interested in blogs on Russian sites for communication and want to learn how to use them in teaching. And I'd like to feel what it is to be a part of community.

Danubia Bull
# 181
... I am very interested in learinig how to use computer effectively with my students. At our school last year ( Cultura Inglesa) we had a nice group of people working togehter on how to improve the use of blog along with our curriculum
# 183
I write blogs (currently have three) and I actually wrote about blogging for educators for the website I write for on new teacher support. http://www.newteachersupport.suite101.com (includes lots of hands on material for the new teacher including the ESL teachers and a upcoming giveaway contest)

Carla Raguseo
# 184
An essential aspect of these Web 2.0 technologies is that they are free, open and democratic. They'll hopefully have a positive impact on Education at all levels. I'm very interested in learning about your experience and your book.
Angeles Berman
# 186
I love blogging and technology use in education even though our technical resources at my school are so limited.
Eleni Nikiforou
# 197
I have had some experience with blogging in the past
# 200-202
I am very excited to learn more about blogging and hope one day to have my own art instruction and creative thinking blog. You see I am also an artist. I work mainly with pencil, ink and watercolour but am trying to expand my repretiore.
I have never blogged before either and am looking forward to so much learning!
Alison Miyake
# 204
I am more exploring blogs for my own education, but I am sure that you all will give me some creative ideas and the energy to get started on something.
This is my first EVO (I am also participating in the Drama sessions), and I am already excited by the range of countries and everyone's experience represented here.
It will take me a while to figure out my way around, but I look forward to working with you all.
Natalia Kalugina
# 210
I do not feel "bloggly handicap" here. I hope i will not only learn blogging but will also make new friends here.

Denos Newson
# 213
I've created a couple of blogs and online albums with commentary, but I am still at the elementary stage with blogging. I want to learn much, much more and I know I've come to the right place to do so.

Carla Arena
# 225, 255
I also had a fantastic blogging experience with students and educators in the same University that had the project with Erika. It was one of the most fantastic dialogues we establish in my blog. Take a look at it. Never have I learned so much from Russia and felt so interested in learning more and more. Even a former student of mine ( a quiet one!) joined us there. http://brazilandbrazilians.blogspot.com/2007/05/city-of-god.html
I had many exciting blogging experiences, but this exchange was one of those that I kept eagerly waiting for the conversation to keep flowing.
Samba EFL <http://sambaefl.podomatic.com> was the place for cultural podcasts with my students.
Danubia Bull
# 236
I started using blogs along with my lesson in Feb 2007. The first semester I was a little disappointed with myself ( due to lack fo time) and with my students response to the new learning aid. But as I actually started devoting more of "my" time to learning more and trying out new things available for posting on blogs, my students became more itnerested as well. I had a great time with my pre-teens last semester. I posted games, songs, little stories for them to watch as exrta "homework" (i was able to find lots of things that went along with our curriculum, which was nice). Most of my kids tried it and the ones who didn't later on ended up giving it a try. Anyway, I hope to keep on trying blogs with kids and seeing how much more can be improved so that they not only log on the internet to chat with frindns but also to be more exposed to the English language and thus learn in a fun way! The address for the kids blog is www.pt1b-2007.blogspot.com
Liliam Prytz Nilsson (Vicky)
# 246
I do not have any experience as regards blogging, but I
am eager to learn how to use it because I would like to encourage cooperative learning and to keep on communication with the teachers from indigenous schools.
Now that I've read many messages from other participants I'm anxious to start blogging.
Fabiana Bridi
# 249
I must confess I felt like I was inappropriate to this kind of thing because I'm not very skilled at computers.
But practice and patience have proved me wrong. As I started to devote some time to creating a class blog, I couldn't stop it. It was, as someone has already mentioned, addictive and worthwhile. You are all welcome to access the result of my attempts and effort at www.teen5.blogspot.com, something which is very dear to me. Well, I still have a long way to go. That's why I'm here.. I'm completely new at attending online courses, so please don't you mind if I "lurk" most of the time.
# 256
I blogged with my university students for about three years as a result of the first EV session on blogging, but I have not
blogged for about 2 or 3 years now. I no longer teach university but have my own small school where I teach children from aged 3 - currently 10. I have had an empty blog on my school's webpage for almost a year now - yikes!
Jane Petring (or Juanita)
# 260
I have been involved with the EVO's since 2004 and have experimented with different types of applications for blogs. One that has worked very well is a TV journal where students write about an English TV program of their choice--a great way for students to get more listening practice outside of class (www.englishcedblog.blogspot.com --links for the students' individual blogs are in the right sidebar).

Illya Arnet-Clark
# 262
I use a class blog with my English class, and after 3 tries with different classes I'm finally beginning to get the learners to respond and use the blog too. I use blogger for the class blogs since I find it easier for them to use, but I also have a reflective blog at wordpress: http://illyasoet.wordpress.com
I love the opportunities blogs offer for collaboration and creativity, and also as a means to document one's own development, both personal and professional.

sibel korkmazgil
# 264
I'm very much interested in CALL though I'm totally new and inexperienced as to blogging, I'm planning to write my MA thesis on Weblogs. Actually I have an intent to integrate blogs in an EFL writing class this term.
Jo Harris
# 268
I have been using blogs in my class for just 1 year. The first time I made it a part of the grade but some students resented that so last semester I made it voluntary and as a compliment or alternative to classroom spoken participation- the students liked this much more. I kept my own blog as well to motivate the students to write in theirs. What I am hoping to get from this group is more technical know how about blogs, but also how to encourage the students to read each others and comment on each others and ways to make them more attractive to the students. I want to motivate them to write! Big aims perhaps...

Pat Soares
# 269
... after seeing some blogs created exactely for that purpose, my opinion changed completly! They were so inspiring that I created one www.abcgo.wordpress.com It's fairly basic, but I'm and my kids are very proud of it!
Karen Olmstead
# 292
This is my first time at EVO and blogging4educators is the only session I am taking.
Nadia Kolesnik
# 301
Now my dream as a teacher is to create my own online course with the help of a blog. I'm glad to find so many people who have the same interests. This topic really inspires me and I hope to learn a lot.
Ilse Monch
# 321
This is my third time taking the BaW workshop and now I would like to learn more about blogging because I have worked mostly with wikis. I belong to Webheads since 2005. Nice to be here sharing with you all.
Nataly Perun
# 322
Unfortunately, i've never been blogging before so haven't got any blog about my US experience yet.
Ana Cotter
# 324
I'm not new to blogging or wikis (i keep a pbwiki with a bunch of other teachers), but i am a total stranger to virtual classrooms.
# 359
This is my first online course and the first experience at blogging. This term I am teaching a reading comprehension course and I would like to explore the possibilities blogging offers.

Horacio Idarraga Gil
# 369
It is my third year in evo sessions. I always come here looking to learn something new.
Elena Babina
# 371
I hope to learn how to blogging and other on-line activities to motivate my students.
Lena Sydorenko
# 429
Actually it's my first experience in the work like this, but I am ready to work hard trying to explore new things and enjoy working in the group.
# 526
I like using computers pretty much, so I'm trying to use it more in my classes, I've never created a blogg then I beleive this will be an interesting experience.
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Thoughts about Blogging

Carla Arena
# 279
Some educators might think that blogging is just about starting it and asking students to post their comments or create their blogs. I fully believe that blogging is a developing habit. Students just don't start blogging. They need time, they need to learn the tricks, they need to engage. It takes some adaptation period. Some might have that love at first sight, but for most it takes a while to be used to this new means of communications with such a great potential. We, as educators, need to be persistent and engaged in the process as mediators. I'm glad you realized it and didn't give up.
You'll surely discuss this topic in depth in the weeks to follow.
Holly Dilatush
# 283
The following is a quote I happened upon today as I was researching through saved documents for a paper I'm trying to write -- and it seems so fitting for this EVO... It was spoken by Barbara Sawhill in reference to blogging and other web tools:
"As a teacher, amazing things happen when you throw open the doors and the windows of your classroom and let that outside world in and the inside world out. Amazing things happen when you ask students what they want to learn, how they want to learn and what works for them." By asking students to comment and reflect on their own work, as well as on the work of others, including their teacher - and all completed strictly in the target language – "incredible things happen as you reconnect their language proficiencies and let them reinforce each other instead of working in isolation."

Carla Arena
# 291
Barbara Sawhill captured so well the true spirit of blogging. Blogging is an open space where the unexpected happens. It opens the possibility for true interaction and constructive dialogues. It is not secluded, it's part of so many little nodes in the online environment. It's your voice and students' voices making a chorus that echoes in all corners of the world. On Week 3 we'll be exactly tapping into ways in which these voices are heard.

Carla Arena
# 293
Just the other day, I was reviewing ISTE's Technology Standards for Students, and by reading them I was even more assured of the importance of blogging in our learner's learning path. http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/For_Students/NETS_S.htm

# 308
...it's a really inspiring quote and summarizes an important thing we as teachers shouldn't forget. Students can't learn the language as an isolated thing, and we as teachers can't teach it in that way. Thanks for your quote.

# 313
Ana Maria,
I went for what I thought would be a 'quick' look - and half an hour later I've just come back ... Apart from the great stuff in your blog, you've got a neat selection of widgets - I particularly like the Flash Music Player, and the Twitter feed, and the Life Feast Feed, and the Welcome Voki - and I've just edged you over 3700 on the counter . . .

Liliam Prytz Nilsson (Vicky)
# 314
...The first question I have is: How do I choose a name for my blog? How about the topic? Should I use formal or informal language?

# 326
...The webhead spirit already prevails here: sharing is caring that is our motto and we are sticking to it. Blogging of course helps a lot in this sense. I will have to blog about the fisrt week quite soon. Make yourself at home and have a look at our weekly activities in our wiki. There is loads to explore.
# 349
... creativity is something that really goes with blogging. Because a blog can be one's space, where one expresses yourself the way they think more appropriate and so there is scope for imagination and creativity.
As for colour painting I am a hige fan, but unfortunatelly can't draw, but one of our blogging mentors - Jane Petring - can! Maybe you guys should launch a group blog around water color paintings... ;-) just an idea....
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Questions and Answers
# 365
As I am a newbie, I have so many questions.
Here are some of them: What's the difference between a wiki and a forum? And then there is something that looks similar which is google docs. Do we have to pay to have a blog? At the WIKIQ you can become a teacher and use a virtual classroom. Do you have to pay? My students just have to sign in and then they can take part in the lessons?

Erika Cruvinel
# 367
Let me try to answer some of your questions...
First, you don't need to pay to have a blog, just sign up for one of the many free blog hosts available on the Web. In this workshop we will be working with Blogger and Edublogs.
The difference between a forum and a wiki is that a forum is a page where you can create threads of questions and answers, and a wiki is page that can be used for collaborative writing. B4B uses a wiki for the weekly task, syllabus, tutorials and lots of important information for the participants. The moderators chose to have the workshop content in a wiki because all of us have a password and we keep editing the content as we need throughout the session.
Google docs is really good too if you want to invite other people to write on a doc with you. Also, you can publish a google doc and it looks just like a regular webpage.
Well, all of the tools you mentioned are great ones, but they serve different purposes and all of them are free.

# 376
... I'd like to begin asking questions. I went to ATTENDR to add my name to the list of attendees. At the left side of each person there are three icons. In mine there is only one. A house. My IQ didn?t give me the way to fill the other two icons. Would you please to help me?

Carla Raguseo
# 379
On the Attendr Map you can only see the house (linking to your home page)since the other two icons are only for you to show your relationship to other people. Click on the right icon next to the name of a participant you already know or on the left icon next to the name of a participant you want to meet.

# 380
I am still wondering how you did the welcome voicethread considering that you are in different countries. You in Key West, USA, Erika and Ana Maria in Brazil, Mary Hillis in Japan, Nina Lyulkun in Ukraine and the other Carla (Raguseo) in Argentina. Is it just an example of what you are to teach us during the blogginng4educators sessions?

Carla Arena
# 386
Well, it's a pity we won't have time to explore the millions of web2.0available to educators. Every time we master one, there's another cool tool around! It's just crazy. I feel I'm always lagging behind... http://blogging4educators.pbwiki.com/moderators.
I just wanted to say that voicethread is a powerful tool in the classroom and it can be added to a blog with a code. We can explore that on Week 4 when we work with widgets. Just to answer your question, voicethread allows us to work collaboratively and record ourselves in one single space. We wanted to give you a very warm welcome to all of you and the result was a voice thread with webcams.
Tatiana Visheratina
# 381
I have some problems with posting my comments about blogs on the wiki, I don't know why.

# 392
I've posted a comment on edubloggers Week1 - Personal reflections, last friday, but it doesn't show up!
I've never posted comments on blogs before so I think I've messed up and I didn' save what I wrote in any file so everything is lost!
Then I asked Pat Soares since she's familiar with posting comments and she advised me to post as anonymous next time. That's why I finally wrote about what's the difference between web page, blog and wiki. Anyway I seem to be totally lost in this course! But still hope to do it successfully!

Carla Arena
# 395
As Mary mentioned, there's always some of us around to guide you through. I totally sympathize with your being lost feeling as it has happened at one point or the other with us. However, you'll see that getting used to the new takes time, so take little steps and don't be afraid to shout for help. We're here to support you. Also, it's important to be in the learner's position so that you know exactly what your students might face and prepare for it.
One little advice: every time you post a comment, before hitting the submit button, highlight the whole text and click on "Ctrl-C" to copy it. If something happens (or not happens), you can copy the same text again on the comment area by clicking "Ctrl-V". It's really a lifesaver, though sometimes I forget and many times got in trouble losing all my elaborated thoughts!
I hope it helps. Please, check the office hours for this week and contact us through skype.

Carla Raguso
# 396
... remember the Yahoo Group is our main channel of communication. It's always better to post your messages here, not only because there's always one of us around to help you out, but because your questions can be useful for other participants.
As reagrds your problem with the comments feature of blogger, Do you have a Google account? Maybe the first time you had chosen a Google/Blogger identity but didn't enter the information and the comment couldn't be published. You can open an account by clicking on the link Sign up here. Another option if you don't have a Google account is to select the Nickname option and just enter your name in the box. A very important tip is to wait after you've published your comment to see if it worked. Do not close the comment window until you see it is there. If you close the window you won't be able to try again. In general whenever I've had problems publishing a comment I get a notice right there and the comment is saved so I can check what went wrong.

Carla Arena
# 398
To have your own WiziQ session, just sign up for a WiziQ account. Then, go to my sessions and "schedule a session". As easy as that.
Also, check our tutorial for more info about moderation (There have been some changes after I recorded a screencast tutorial, but the basics is still the same).
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