Blogging Glossary
Basic Terms
Blog - short form for weblog
Blogger - a person who blogs
Blogging - the act of posting on blogs
Blogosphere (also blogsphere) - The internet blogging community
Commenter - someone who leaves remarks / comments
Weblog - A weblog is a personal journal on the Web which allows everyone to have a voice. You can write brief articles about your selected topic on a consistent basis.Most blogs allow readers to post comments to your the post, and link from their blog to your posts using the permanlink URL or address. New articles appear at the top, so your visitors can easily read what's new. Some blogs are personal diaries, while others are a daily pulpit. Still others can be collaborative spaces, political soapboxs, breaking-news outlets or a collection of links. Blogs are a fluid, dynamic medium.
Types of Blogs
Audioblog - Also called audioblog, MP3 blog or musicblogs. a variant on the blogging using audio instead of text. Created by audioblogger.
Blogcast - the blog and the podcast merged into a single website.
Edu-blog - education oriented blog.
Moblog - Also called moblogs. A blog posted and maintained via mobile phone. Moblogs are created by mobloggers.
Photoblog- a blog predominantly using and focusing on photographs and images. Photoblogs are created by photobloggers
Group blog- with multiple contributing bloggers.
Photocast- a photoblog that automatically updates when new photos are added.
Plog - a project blog.
Podcast - a method of distributing multimedia files (audio / videos) online using feeds for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. Podcasts are created by podcasters.
Tech blog - focused on a technical subject.
Vlog - Also called video blogging. Shortened to vlog. Posted by vlogger. A variant on the blogging using video instead of text.
Blog Components and Functions
Archive - Another common feature within blogs is the blog archive. Acting similar to the blog calendar, this function allows a visitor to quickly jump to a month or year in the past, and view blog articles posted at that time.
Atom - Atom is a type of web feed, written in XML, which allows a user to download any updates made to the website or blog using a feed reader. It is a simple way to read and write information on the web, allowing you to easily keep track of more sites in less time, and to seamlessly share your words and ideas by publishing to the web.
Blogroll - list of links to other blogs in your sidebar.
Typically these blogs have some connection in terms of the content.
Captcha - short for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. Those word and letter verification images you need to type in to show you are human and not a bot. Helful to block automated spam comments.(verification word)
Category - Some blogs include categories so that articles on similar topics can be grouped together. Think of it like index in a book. Categories permit a blogger to subdivide content, putting posts about politics into one basket and posts about celebrities in another. Categorization helps readers read only what they are most interested in and is a good tool for those scanning a blog's archives.
Comments- Most blogs have a form at the end the post where readers can write a comment or engage in a dialogue with you, as the author, about the post. Comments are usually time-stamped and identified by the author’s name and perhaps a link to their Web site or blog. On some blogs, comments are threaded so that readers can comment on other comments, but on most blogs comments are simply displayed chronologically.
Comment spam: Sad to say, spam is a problem on blogs just as it is in email. Comment spam, as you would expect, is left in the comments of a blog. It usually includes a few words and a link to a Web site. The point for the spammer is to get as many links as possible to the Web site, giving it higher search engine rankings.
Entry/Post - Each blog is broken into a series of posts or articles. Think of them as pages in a book. Each post has its own unique web address.
Dashboard - When you login to your blogging account, it is the first screen with all controls, tools and functions.
Expandable post summaries - show a small teaser part of the post on the index page that link to the full post.
Footer - the most bottom part of the blog usually listing navigation and copyright statements
Header - the topmost part of the blog usually listing the blog title.
Index page - the front page of the blog
Lists of Links - Some blogs include a list of links to other blogs on the right or left side of the page, sometimes organized in different categories.
Permalink - Because a weblog's front page changes regularly, old posts eventually "fall off" the front page and go into the archives. To make it easier to link back to old posts, weblog services give each post its own unique URL. If you ever link to a specific weblog post, you should use this URL rather than simply "", so readers will always be able to find the post to which you are referring. The permalink URL for a post can usually be found in a link next to the post, denoted by a #, "permalink" or "link".
Post scheduling - Some blog software allows you to write posts and schedule them to be published at some point in the future. This is handy for vacations and holidays.
Sidebar - One or more columns along one or both sides of most blogs main page
Skins - Most blog software includes a set of pre-designed templates that give the blog a certain look and feel. These are called skins.
Template - the blog presentation design.
Title - Each post has a title. Be sure to write a catchy title that grabs the readers'attention and lets them know what your post will be about.
Other Tools
Aggregator - A piece of software used by webloggers and others who want to check a large number of news sources or weblogs on a daily basis. Aggregators regularly check selected RSS feeds (see RSS) for new content and display a list of results, usually listing the most recently updated links first, allowing bloggers to quickly catch up on the latest news and comment from around the web.
Blogdex - A project from MIT's Media Lab that regularly checks what weblogs are linking to, thus tracking information as it flows across the blogosphere. By going to the Blogdex front page you can see which links are most popular on weblogs at the moment. A high ranking on Blogdex is both an indicator that your weblog is getting lots of traffic, and also a guarantee that your weblog will gets lots of traffic, as readers click through from the Blogdex index.
Feedblitz - FeedBlitz turns blogs and feeds (RSS and Atom) into emails to subscribers. It reads your blog's RSS feed, then figures out what's new and sends the updates to subscribers by email.
FTP - short for file transfer protocol. Transferring file to and from your web host using FTP tools like Filezilla XML.
Google bomb - Google bombing is a method of catapulting a website - often a weblog - to the top of a Google search for a given phrase, achieved by abusing a loophole in the search engine's algorithm. Because Google will often recommend sites which do not contain the exact phrase you are looking for, but have been linked to by sites that use that phrase, website owners found they could create pages full of links to their site, often using bizzarre and irrelevant keywords, to bring their sites to the top of certain searches.
Ping - A ping is a way of finding out whether a specific IP address - either a computer or website - is accessible by sending message and waiting for a reply. Bloggers use pinging to let blog tracking services such as know that their weblog has been updated. If you have pings enabled in your blog, your blog will automatically ping the recipient service to let them know when you’ve published to your blog. That allows the search engine to then ‘crawl’ your site for content and place you accordingly.
Plugins - Plugin refers to additional software that is required to execute a transaction via a web browser. They are small files that add improved functionality and new features. The idea is that the new component simply plugs in to the existing system. Thus if the webpage is designed to run with something that is not standard to the browser, the viewer needs to download an additional plug-in. This may be used to run enhanced graphics (Flash), sound (Real Audio) or 3D (Cosmo Player), or other such rich media applications.
Widgets - fun, useful mini-applications that help you do everyday tasks. Widgets display information and invite the user to act in a number of ways. Widgets like clocks, chat widget, weather widget, etc, allow you to do something right there in the blog, without opening another application.
RSS- (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) A format for notifying new content at a website. RSS defines rules for listing information about new content added to a website (RSS Feed), such as the title, link and a short description (or in some cases the full body of the content). RSS is widely used both by news sites and by weblogs. The RSS Feed allows the readers to subscribe to a certain content on the blog, so the visitors no longer have to visit the weblog to get its content. It's an easy way for visitors to receive the articles automatically using an rss feed reader.
Technorati - Another web service that tracks the content of weblogs (see Blogdex.) Its search facility is particularly useful for webloggers anxious to see who is linking to their site, and what they're saying. The site also sports a top 100 weblogs, ranked by inbound links.
Syndication - Many blogs have the ability to easily distribute their content. This makes it easy for readers to read new content without having to visit the blog to check for updates.
Tags - labelling / attaching keywords to collect similar posts.
Trackback - A system by which a ping is sent to another blog to notify that their article has been mentioned by you.Always use Trackbacks when you discuss someone’s post or blog. It’s courteous.
Trackbacks are powerful. Here’s how it works:
- A blogger reads your post.
- He/she writes about your post and enters your “trackback” link into his trackback section in his blog post editor.
- Once he/she publishes his post, his blog registers that to your trackback address.
XML - a way of labeling online content to allow computers to understand better what that content is. In a weblogging context, XML underpins the RSS format, which is in turn used to distribute headline feeds to aggregators.
Blogging Curious Terms
A-List - the top bloggers who influence the blogosphere.
Blammer - Blog spammer.
Blargon - Blogging slang and glossary.
Blaudience - your blog audience.
Blog Carnival - Links to other articles covering a specific topic.
Blog Day - 31 August. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting and tell them.
Bloggerati - Big name bloggers who have become well known among other bloggers. Derived from "literati".
Blogiday - you get fed up and take a holiday from blogging.
Blogiversary - your blog birthday.
Blogophobia - Fear of blogs and blogging.
Blogoholic - addicted to blogging.
Blogstar - blogger running a popular blog
Blook - a book created from a blog.
Dooce - To dooce someone is to fire her due to entries posted on her blog.
Problogger - professional blogger.
Reciprocal Links - called link love. You link to my blog, I link to yours. To improve search engine rankings.
SOB - acronym for Successful and Outstanding Blogger.
Troll - Someone who leaves comments on blogs solely to antagonize the author.
Blogging Services
MovableType, Typepad, Vox and LiveJournal
21Publish (Community blog)
Some RSS Aggregators
Google Reader
News Reader for MAC OS X
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